Invasion Description
1st Record: San Diego/CA/San Diego Bay? (1876, USNM 2286, collected by R. Hemphill, re-identifed as L. tripunctata by Menzies, U.S. National Museum of Natural History 2007); Note- Specimen label just says "San Diego".
Geographic Extent
San Diego/CA/San Diego Bay? (1876, USNM 2286, collected by R. Hemphill, re-identifed as L. tripunctata by Menzies, U.S. National Museum of Natural History 2007); San Diego/CA/San Diego Bay (Menzies 1954, Menzies and Widrig 1955; deVos and Stock 1956; Johnson and Menzies 1956; Menzies 1961, all cited by Carlton 1979);
Level | Vector |
Probable | Hull Fouling |