Invasion History

First Non-native North American Tidal Record: 1933
First Non-native West Coast Tidal Record: 1933
First Non-native East/Gulf Coast Tidal Record: 1970

General Invasion History:

Styela clava is native to the Northwest Pacific, from Shanghai to the Sea of Okhotsk and the southeastern Bering Sea (Benyaminson, in Golikov et al. 1976; Nishikawa 1991). It has become widely distributed in coastal waters, through ship fouling and transport with oysters (Crassostrea gigas; Buizer 1980; Cohen and Carlton 1995; Lutzen 1999). The morphology of this tunicate, with its great attachment strength, and streamlined body, is well adapted for transport on the hulls of moving ships (Murray et al. 2012). In 1933, it was first collected in the Northeast Pacific in Newport Beach California, and has subsequently spread south to San Diego (in 1959), and north to San Francisco Bay (in 1949), Coos Bay Oregon (in 1993) and Vancouver Island, British Columbia (in 1995; Carlton and Cohen 1995). On the East Coast of North America, it was first collected in 1970 in Beverly, Massachusetts and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and has subsequently spread south to Chincoteague, Virginia and north to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia (Berman et al. 1992; U.S. National Museum of Natural History 2002-2012; Locke et al. 2007; Paul Fofonoff, personal observations 2013; Moore et al. 2014). In the northeast Atlantic, it was recorded in Plymouth, England in 1953, and has subsequently spread east, along the southern North Sea to the Limfjord and Kattegat in Denmark and south to Portugal and a Mediterranean lagoon (Buizer 1999; Lutzen 1999; Davis and Davis 2005; Davis and Davis 2007). In 1972, it invaded Port Philip Bay, Australia, and in 1977, Sydney Harbour (Hewitt et al. 1999). In 2005, it was discovered in New Zealand (Biosecurity New Zealand 2005a; Biosecurity New Zealand 2005b).

North American Invasion History:

Invasion History on the West Coast:

Styela clava was first collected on the West Coast in Newport, California in 1933 (Carlton 1979) and in Elkhorn Slough in 1935 (Carlton 1979; Lambert and Lambert 1998; Wasson et al. 2001). Styela clava was found at Point Richmond, in San Francisco Bay, in 1949, King Harbor (Redondo Beach) and Mission Bay (San Diego) in 1971, and San Diego Bay in 1972 (Carlton 1979; Cohen and Carlton 1995; Lambert and Lambert 1998; Nichols et al. 2023)). It was also collected in 1972 in Morro Bay, but has not been seen there since (Carlton 1979; Needles 2007). Surprisingly, although it has been established for 50 years in San Francisco Bay, it has not been reported from nearby Tomales Bay (Fairey et al. 2002), and is a recent invader in Bodega Harbor and Humboldt Bay (reported in 2000, Boyd et al. 2002).

North of California, Styela clava was first reported in Coos Bay, Oregon in 1993 (Cohen and Carlton 1995), and Vancouver Island, British Columbia and Drayton Harbor, in Blaine, Washington (on Georgia Straits) in 1998 (Lambert 2003). In 2001, it was collected in Neah Bay, Juan de Fuca Straits, on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington (deRivera et al. 2005), and in 2005 in the Hood Canal, part of Puget Sound (Center for Aquatic Resource Studies 2009).

Invasion History on the East Coast:

In the Northwest Atlantic, Styela clava was first collected in 1970 in Beverly, Massachusetts and in Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire (Berman et al., 1992). South of Cape Cod, the earliest record appears to be from 1973, on Long Island (Carlton, 1989). It was established in Narragansett Bay by 1976 (Fofonoff, personal observation; Plough 1978), and is now found throughout southern New England (Whitlatch and Osman 2000; MIT Sea Grant 2003; Carman et al. 2007; Carman et al. 2009). In 1998 it was found in Kennebunkport and Boothbay Harbor, Maine (Whitlatch and Osman 2000), and in 2000, in Portland Harbor, Casco Bay, Maine. In 1998, S. clava appeared in the Brudenell River, Prince Edward Island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, where it has caused serious problems by fouling cultured mussels and the lines and racks used in their rearing (Locke et al. 2007). This tunicate has spread to several estuaries on Prince Edward Island (Ramsay et al. 2008; Arsenault et al. 2009). In 2012-2013, it was found at several sites in the Canso Canal, between the mainland of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island, and on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, in Halifax and Lunenburg harbors (Moore et al. 2014). 

The southern extent of the range of S. clava is poorly known. It has been found in a New Jersey coastal inlet ~50 km north of Cape May (McDermott, personal communication, 1999). In November 2003, several S. clava were found washed ashore on Cape Henlopen, at the mouth of Delaware Bay (Fofonoff, unpublished data). In the Chesapeake Bay region, in 1994, a single specimen of S. clava (Catalog number 20711) was collected in Chincoteague VA (U.S. National Museum of Natural History 2002; Linda Cole, personal communication). We have not collected this species in Chesapeake Bay proper, but in 2013 we found established populations in the Indian River Inlet, Delaware; Ocean City Inlet, Maryland; and Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia (Paul Fofonoff and Kristen Larson, personal observations).

Invasion History Elsewhere in the World:

In Europe, Styela clava was first collected during 1953 in Plymouth, England, where it was mistakenly described as a new species, S. mammiculata (Carlsile 1954 cited by Lutzen 1999). It spread east along the English Channel (record in 1957 from Southampton) and across to France (record in 1968 from Dieppe) into the North Sea (record in 1974 from Den Helder, Netherlands) and to Denmark by 1991 (Buizer 1980; Lutzen 1999). In Ireland, it was first collected in Cork Harbor in 1971, and has spread north to a marina near Dublin on the Irish Sea, and to Kerry on the Atlantic Coast (Minchin et al. 2006). Styela clava spread south along the Atlantic coast of Europe, reaching Brest and Roscoff in Brittany in 1973 (Lutzen 1999) and Arcachon, France on the Bay of Biscay (Davis and Davis 2005). It now occurs at many locations on the Biscay and Atlantic coasts of Spain, with a current southern limit at Cascais, Portugal (Davis and Davis 2005). In 2006, it was found in a lagoon (Bassin de Thau) in Sete, France on the Mediterranean Sea. This basin is used intensively for oyster culture (Davis and Davis 2008). In 2004, S. clava was reported in Romanian waters of the Black Sea, as a 'casual' fouling organism, presumably not established (Micu and Micu 2004, cited by Skolka and Preda 2010). In 2012, an established population was found in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, connecting the Black and Mediterranean Seas (Cinar 2016).

In 1972, Styela clava was found in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia, where it has become quite abundant. In 1977, it was found in Sydney Harbour, New South Wales. However, S. clava was not found in a 2000 port survey (Australian Museum Business Services 2002). In 2005, S. clava was found in several locations in New Zealand, including Auckland, Littleton, and Christchurch (Biosecurity New Zealand 2005a).


Styela clava is a solitary tunicate with a leathery, but thin, and bumpy tunic. Its body is cylindrical or club-shaped and narrows posteriorly to a stalk that is anchored to the substrata by a disk shaped holdfast. The wrinkled or creased looking stalk is often 20-50% of the total body length. Styela clava can grow up to 150 mm in length. Colors can range from yellowish to reddish to brownish. The oral and atrial siphons are located close together and are directed anteriorly. Both siphons have four lobes and appear striped with alternating dark and light brownish to purplish bands (Kott 1985; Nishikawa 1991; Lambert 2003).


Taxonomic Tree

Kingdom:   Animalia
Phylum:   Chordata
Subphylum:   Tunicata
Class:   Ascidiacea
Order:   Stolidobranchia
Family:   Styelidae
Genus:   Styela
Species:   clava


Bostryorchis clava (Redikorzev, 1916)
Styela barnharti (Van Name, 1945)
Styela mammiculata (Carlisle, 1954)

Potentially Misidentified Species



Life History- A solitary tunicate is ovoid, elongate or vase-like in shape, with two openings or siphons. Most solitary tunicates attach to substrates by their side or base, but some attach with a conspicuous stalk. They are sessile filter feeders with two siphons, an oral and an atrial siphon. Water is pumped in through the oral siphon, where phytoplankton and detritus is filtered by the gills, and passed on mucus strings to the stomach and intestines. Waste is then expelled in the outgoing atrial water.

Solitary ascidians are hermaphroditic, meaning that both eggs and sperm are released to the atrial chamber. Eggs may be self-fertilized or fertilized by sperm from nearby animals, but many species have a partial block to self-fertilization. Depending on the species, eggs may be externally or internally fertilized. In external fertilizers, eggs and sperm are released through the atrial siphon into the surrounding water column were fertilization takes place. In internal fertilizers, eggs are brooded and fertilized within the atrial chamber and then released into the water column upon hatching. Fertilized eggs hatch into a tadpole larva with a muscular tail, notochord, eyespots, and a set of adhesive papillae. The lecithotrophic (non-feeding, yolk-dependent) larva swims briefly before settlement. Swimming periods are usually less than a day and some larvae settle immediately after release, but the larval period can be longer at lower temperatures. Once settled, the tail is absorbed, the gill basket expands, and the tunicate begins to feed by filtering (Barnes 1983).

In all part of its native and introduced range, S. clava is more frequently reported from anthropogenic stuctures than from natural surfaces, (Simkanin et al. 2012). Dock floats are especially favored habitats, probably because their motion provides rapid water exchange, and a fresh supply of food-laden water (Glasby 2001). Other colonized man-made structures include pilings, piers, aquaculture structures, and boat hulls (Carman et al. 2010; Davidson et al. 2010; Simkanin et al. 2012). Natural habitats include rocky reefs, bivalve colonies, seaweeds, (White and Orr 2011; Simkanin et al. 2012).




snails, fish, crabs, urchins

Trophic Status:

Suspension Feeder



General HabitatCoarse Woody DebrisNone
General HabitatOyster ReefNone
General HabitatMarinas & DocksNone
General HabitatRockyNone
General HabitatVessel HullNone
Salinity RangePolyhaline18-30 PSU
Salinity RangeEuhaline30-40 PSU
Tidal RangeSubtidalNone
Tidal RangeLow IntertidalNone
Vertical HabitatEpibenthicNone

Life History

Tolerances and Life History Parameters

Minimum Temperature (ºC)-2Field data, Denmark (Lutzing 1998)
Maximum Temperature (ºC)26.6Field data, Thau Lagoon, France (Davis and Davis 2009)
Minimum Salinity (‰)18Experimental data; animals from Denmark, transferred stepwise (Lutzen 1998).
Maximum Salinity (‰)35Field data (Lutzen 1998, experimental data (Sims 1984, highest tested)
Minimum Reproductive Temperature15Field data, Davis and Davis 2007; Wong et al. 2011
Maximum Length (mm)90 Kott 1985; Nishikawa 1991; Lambert 2003
Broad Temperature RangeNoneCold temperate-Warm temperate
Broad Salinity RangeNonePolyhaline-Euhaline

General Impacts

Economic Impacts

Fisheries: The largest economic impacts of Styela clava have been seen in Prince Edward Island, Canada, where dense populations of tunicates have fouled cages used for fish aquaculture, and ropes, racks, and other gear used in mussel culture (Locke et al. 2007; Arsenault et al. 2009). The tunicates compete with cultured mussels, reducing mussel harvests by ~50%. The estimated economic impact is 34-88 million $CAN per year (Coulatti et al. 2006). Another negative potential impact of S. clava and other tunicates is that when they foul aquaculture gear and boats, they can retain and transport viable cells and cysts of toxic phytoplankton (Rosa et al. 2013). On the positive side, S. clava is a popular food item in Korea. Styela clava and S. plicata are extensively cultured on long lines in Korea and Japan (Lambert et al. 2016). Fisheries for S. clava, in New England, for the Korean market appear feasible (Karney and Rhee 2009).

Shipping and Industry: Styela clava can grow in very dense populations on boat hulls, docks, fishing gear, and aquaculture equipment.

Ecological Impacts

Competition: Styela clava typically grows in dense populations, dominating large patches in fouling communities. Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes from southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998). It covered 18.5% of fouling plate surfaces in one-year old assemblages near Avery Point, Connecticut, Long Island Sound (Altman and Whitlatch 2007). It can reduce the growth rate of co-occurring species through its intense filtration of the water column (Osman and Whitlatch 2000). In English waters, the population growth of S. clava was paralleled by a decrease in Ciona intestinalis (Lutzen 1999). Styela clava grows in very dense populations in Port Phillip Bay, Australia, apparently displacing other fouling organisms. Because of its high filtering rate, it was expected to compete for food with other suspension-feeding taxa (Currie et al. 1999); however, this effect was not seen in the experiments conducted by Ross et al. (2007).

Habitat Change: The dense aggregations frequently formed by Styela clava exclude other organisms but also provide secondary substrate for other fouling organisms. The tunics of S. clava are frequently fouled by colonial tunicates. In experimental studies, soft sediment fauna from Port Phillip Bay, Australia, showed idiosyncratic responses to increased Styela density, with crustaceans and tanaids, decreasing, while the deposit-feeding bivalve Laternula rostrata increased (Ross et al. 2007).

Predation: Styela clava can inhibit settlement of co-occurring fouling organisms through predation on planktonic larvae, as a result of high filtering rates (Osman and Whitlatch 2000).

Food/Prey: Newly settled S. clava in Long Island Sound are prone to intense predation by the snails Astyris lunata (= Mitrella lunata) and Costoanachis translirata (= Anachis lafresnayi of authors) (Osman and Whitlatch 2000; Whitlatch and Osman 2009). Older juveniles are subject to predation by fishes, mostly Tautog (Tautoga onitis) and Cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) (Osman and Whitlatch 2000).

Regional Impacts

NEP-VNorthern California to Mid Channel IslandsEconomic ImpactFisheries
Common oyster fouling organism (Carlton 1979)
NEP-VNorthern California to Mid Channel IslandsEconomic ImpactShipping/Boating
Common hull and dock fouling oganism (Carlton 1979)
P090San Francisco BayEconomic ImpactShipping/Boating
Common dock and hull fouling organism.
NEP-VIPt. Conception to Southern Baja CaliforniaEcological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P020San Diego BayEcological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P030Mission BayEcological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P023_CDA_P023 (San Louis Rey-Escondido)Ecological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P027_CDA_P027 (Aliso-San Onofre)Ecological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P040Newport BayEcological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P050San Pedro BayEcological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P060Santa Monica BayEcological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P062_CDA_P062 (Calleguas)Ecological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P064_CDA_P064 (Ventura)Ecological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
P065_CDA_P065 (Santa Barbara Channel)Ecological ImpactCompetition
Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998).
CACaliforniaEcological ImpactCompetition

Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998)., Styela clava is abundant in Southern California harbors, often forming dense patches with 100% cover (Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003). It and other introduced ascidians have replaced the native species Pyura haustor and Ascidia ceratodes in southern California harbors (Lambert and Lambert 1998)., 

CACaliforniaEconomic ImpactShipping/Boating
Common hull and dock fouling oganism (Carlton 1979), Common dock and hull fouling organism.
CACaliforniaEconomic ImpactFisheries
Common oyster fouling organism (Carlton 1979)

Regional Distribution Map

Bioregion Region Name Year Invasion Status Population Status
P112 _CDA_P112 (Bodega Bay) 2000 Non-native Established
P130 Humboldt Bay 2000 Non-native Established
P027 _CDA_P027 (Aliso-San Onofre) 1994 Non-native Established
P065 _CDA_P065 (Santa Barbara Channel) 1994 Non-native Established
P064 _CDA_P064 (Ventura) 1994 Non-native Established
P062 _CDA_P062 (Calleguas) 1994 Non-native Established
P023 _CDA_P023 (San Louis Rey-Escondido) 1994 Non-native Established
P050 San Pedro Bay 1994 Non-native Established
NEP-IV Puget Sound to Northern California 1993 Non-native Established
P020 San Diego Bay 1972 Non-native Established
P070 Morro Bay 1972 Non-native Unknown
P060 Santa Monica Bay 1971 Non-native Established
P056 _CDA_P056 (Los Angeles) 1971 Non-native Established
P030 Mission Bay 1971 Non-native Established
P090 San Francisco Bay 1949 Non-native Established
NEP-V Northern California to Mid Channel Islands 1935 Non-native Established
P080 Monterey Bay 1935 Non-native Established
P040 Newport Bay 1933 Non-native Established
NEP-VI Pt. Conception to Southern Baja California 1933 Non-native Established

Occurrence Map

OCC_ID Author Year Date Locality Status Latitude Longitude
697003 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-25 Port Hueneme Sportfishing Non-native 34.1481 -119.2019
697140 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Navy - Seventh St. Non-native 32.6699 -117.1212
697144 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-26 Commercial Wharf Non-native 34.1478 -119.2077
697151 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-11-08 Port Hueneme Epifaunal 04 Non-native 34.1468 -119.2119
697223 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-09-18 Humboldt Bay Epifaunal 07 Non-native 40.7976 -124.1862
697227 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Kelco Dock Non-native 32.6927 -117.1470
697248 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-27 Pete's Harbor, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.5006 -122.2242
697274 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-09 Santa Barbara Epifaunal 05 Non-native 34.4068 -119.6910
697342 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-24 New Site (Blue Awnings) Non-native 33.7224 -118.0561
697376 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-11 Los Angeles Epifaunal 01 Non-native 33.7348 -118.2478
697394 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-11-08 Port Hueneme Epifaunal 13 Non-native 34.1459 -119.2105
697415 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Newport Bay Harbor Entrance Non-native 33.5974 -117.8798
697417 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-19 Newport Bay Harbor Entrance Non-native 33.5974 -117.8798
697434 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-11-01 The Steelhead/MBARI Bridge Non-native 36.8005 -121.7877
697462 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-30 Pilot's Dock at Pier F Non-native 33.7472 -118.2156
697489 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-11-08 Port Hueneme Epifaunal 14 Non-native 34.1487 -119.2016
697505 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-25 Fancy Slip Non-native 34.1741 -119.2235
697536 Fay and Johnson 1971 1970 Alamitos Bay Non-native 33.7502 -118.1185
697565 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-09-11 Bodega Bay Epifaunal 04 Non-native 38.3293 -123.0552
697646 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-25 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
697703 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-15 Newport Beach Epifaunal 04 Non-native 33.6085 -117.9202
697742 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-24 Yellow Condos Non-native 33.7283 -118.0602
697756 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-10-09 San Diego Bay Commercial Fishing Fleet Non-native 32.7109 -117.1739
697761 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 San Diego Bay Commercial Fishing Fleet Non-native 32.7109 -117.1739
697791 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-15 Newport Beach Epifaunal 05 Non-native 33.6212 -117.9364
697796 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-29 Marina del Rey Non-native 33.9722 -118.4522
697810 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-24 Watchorn Basin Non-native 33.7203 -118.2764
697831 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-04 Berkeley Marina Non-native 37.8676 -122.3172
697832 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-03 Berkeley Marina Non-native 37.8676 -122.3172
697864 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-04 Ski Islands Marina Non-native 32.7939 -117.2232
697918 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Port of Oakland Office Non-native 37.7954 -122.2804
697919 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Port of Oakland Office Non-native 37.7954 -122.2804
697964 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-22 Draw Bridge Non-native 33.7645 -118.2428
697965 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-21 Draw Bridge Non-native 33.7645 -118.2428
698004 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-24 Fruitvale Bridge, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.7690 -122.2296
698042 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-06 Point Richmond Piers Non-native 37.9085 -122.3913
698043 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-28 Point Richmond Piers Non-native 37.9085 -122.3913
698079 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-29 San Mateo Bridge Non-native 37.5806 -122.2543
698084 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 San Mateo Bridge Non-native 37.5806 -122.2543
698107 Boyd et al. 2002 (Humboldt Bay Report) 2002 Woodley Island, East End Non-native 40.8074 -124.1601
698138 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-11 Marina Del Rey Epifaunal 04 Non-native 33.9760 -118.4460
698242 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-23 Pier 39, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.8114 -122.4098
698296 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-25 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
698324 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Loch Lomond Marina Area Non-native 37.9720 -122.4832
698349 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-10-10 Mission Bay Epifaunal 03 Non-native 32.7619 -117.2357
698357 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-11-08 Port Hueneme Epifaunal 08 Non-native 34.1486 -119.2057
698360 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-28 Oceanside Harbor Non-native 33.2094 -117.3947
698378 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-21 Richardson Bay Non-native 37.8588 -122.4798
698412 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-25 Presidio Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.8326 -122.4741
698462 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-06 Santa Fe Channel - Front Non-native 37.9101 -122.3644
698465 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-28 Santa Fe Channel - Front Non-native 37.9101 -122.3644
698498 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-21 Romberg Tiburon Center Non-native 37.8906 -122.4458
698502 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-14 Romberg Tiburon Center Non-native 37.8906 -122.4458
698553 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-28 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
698604 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-27 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.5907 -122.3180
698624 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-16 Long Beach Epifaunal 06 Non-native 33.7697 -118.2283
698684 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-03 Marine Terminal (Paco) Non-native 32.6584 -117.1191
698685 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Marine Terminal (Paco) Non-native 32.6584 -117.1191
698715 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-07 Private Dock Non-native 34.1798 -119.2297
698763 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-23 Patriot Environmental Non-native 33.7767 -118.2105
698804 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-26 Richmond Marina Boat Ramp, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.9139 -122.3542
698923 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor Non-native 37.9643 -122.4185
698926 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-14 Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor Non-native 37.9643 -122.4185
698964 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-04 Dana Inn Marina Non-native 32.7671 -117.2362
698968 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-12 Dana Inn Marina Non-native 32.7671 -117.2362
699005 Boyd et al. 2002 (Humboldt Bay Report) 2002 Woodley Island, West End Non-native 40.8070 -124.1667
699024 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-07 CIYC Guest Slip Non-native 34.1641 -119.2255
699025 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-25 CIYC Guest Slip Non-native 34.1641 -119.2255
699091 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-26 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
699112 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-21 Paradise Cay Non-native 37.9146 -122.4776
699121 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-14 Paradise Cay Non-native 37.9146 -122.4776
699179 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-14 Oceanside Epifaunal 01 Non-native 33.2118 -117.3951
699221 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-08 Treasure Island Non-native 37.8149 -122.3702
699222 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-03 Treasure Island Non-native 37.8149 -122.3702
699271 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-04 Oakland Inner Harbor - Shipping cranes Non-native 37.7947 -122.3095
699275 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Oakland Inner Harbor - Shipping cranes Non-native 37.7947 -122.3095
699353 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-08 Saint Francis Yacht Harbor Non-native 37.8066 -122.4463
699354 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-12 Saint Francis Yacht Harbor Non-native 37.8066 -122.4463
699394 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-13 Coyote Point Non-native 37.5920 -122.3210
699396 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-07-06 Coyote Point Non-native 37.5920 -122.3210
699424 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-11 NE Corner of Bay Non-native 38.3340 -123.0511
699432 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-06-03 NE Corner of Bay Non-native 38.3340 -123.0511
699460 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-10 Channel Islands Harbor Epifaunal 03 Non-native 34.1735 -119.2298
699557 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Redwood Creek - Shipping Non-native 37.5120 -122.2109
699562 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Redwood Creek - Shipping Non-native 37.5120 -122.2109
699606 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 Bulk Carrier Terminal Non-native 32.6969 -117.1526
699607 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-29 Bulk Carrier Terminal Non-native 32.6969 -117.1526
699608 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-10-09 Bulk Carrier Terminal Non-native 32.6969 -117.1526
699653 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-08 Pier 45 Non-native 37.8111 -122.4196
699677 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-30 Long Beach Downtown Marina Non-native 33.7581 -118.1894
699683 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-29 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
699725 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-12 Seaforth Non-native 32.7621 -117.2365
699726 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-04 Seaforth Non-native 32.7621 -117.2365
699796 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-10-09 Coronado Wharf Non-native 32.6992 -117.1684
699800 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Coronado Wharf Non-native 32.6992 -117.1684
699801 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-29 Coronado Wharf Non-native 32.6992 -117.1684
699875 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Redwood Creek - Marina Non-native 37.5021 -122.2130
699877 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Redwood Creek - Marina Non-native 37.5021 -122.2130
699930 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Dumbarton Bridge Non-native 37.5070 -122.1168
699931 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Dumbarton Bridge Non-native 37.5070 -122.1168
700027 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-08 Cruise Ship Pier Non-native 37.8085 -122.4060
700101 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-05 Middle Harbor Yacht Slip Non-native 33.2106 -117.3960
700124 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-11-08 Port Hueneme Epifaunal 19 Non-native 34.1499 -119.2099
700155 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-08 Commercial Fishing Fleet Dock Non-native 34.1482 -119.2020
700162 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-26 Commercial Fishing Fleet Dock Non-native 34.1482 -119.2020
700196 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-25 Marina del Rey Harbor Entrance Non-native 33.9702 -118.4496
700203 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-22 Marina del Rey Harbor Entrance Non-native 33.9702 -118.4496
700250 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-12 Huntington Harbour Epifaunal 04 Non-native 33.7278 -118.0787
700320 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-03 Berkeley Flats/Berkeley Pier Non-native 37.8600 -122.3256
700336 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-16 Long Beach Epifaunal 03 Non-native 33.7628 -118.2145
700363 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-12 Huntington Harbour Epifaunal 03 Non-native 33.7283 -118.0601
700395 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-24 Near Huntington Launch Ramp Non-native 33.7279 -118.0786
700397 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-19 Near Huntington Launch Ramp Non-native 33.7279 -118.0786
700415 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-28 Snug Harbor Marina Non-native 33.1478 -117.3322
700440 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-16 Long Beach Epifaunal 04 Non-native 33.7709 -118.2113
700479 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Coyote Point Marina Non-native 37.5905 -122.3177
700480 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-01 Coyote Point Marina Non-native 37.5905 -122.3177
700521 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Sea Plane Lagoon Non-native 37.7761 -122.2998
700613 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1971 1971-04-10 JWPCP Outfall (Los Angeles County) Non-native 33.6978 -118.3242
700646 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-12 Santa Barbara Cove Non-native 32.7774 -117.2484
700708 G. MacGinitie and N. MacGinitie pers. comm. in Abbott and Johnson 1972 1932 Newport Bay Non-native 33.6092 -117.9067
700712 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1933 1933-11-15 Newport Bay Non-native 33.6092 -117.9067
700734 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-21 Backside of Working Container Ship Pier Non-native 33.7667 -118.2774
700740 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-22 Backside of Working Container Ship Pier Non-native 33.7667 -118.2774
700761 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-10-25 Moss Landing Harbor Epifaunal 04 Non-native 36.8005 -121.7879
700806 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Sea Plane Harbor Non-native 37.6349 -122.3848
700837 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-11 Los Angeles Epifaunal 05 Non-native 33.7648 -118.2424
700851 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 Harbor Island Marina Non-native 32.7266 -117.2128
700950 Carlton 1979 1935 Elkhorn Slough General Location Non-native 36.8086 -121.7856
700985 Fay and Johnson 1971 1970 1970-06-05 Dana Marina Non-native 32.7791 -117.2288
700986 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1959 1959-06-15 Mission Bay Non-native 32.7791 -117.2288
701145 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1949 1949-06-12 Point Richmond Non-native 37.9097 -122.3894
701345 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-06 Santa Fe Channel - Back Non-native 37.9207 -122.3684
701348 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-28 Santa Fe Channel - Back Non-native 37.9207 -122.3684
701374 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-30 Impound Marina Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
701393 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-05 Oceanside Commercial Fishing Dock Non-native 33.2057 -117.3897
701415 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Derelict Graveyard Non-native 32.6477 -117.1269
701474 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-27 Harbor Entrance Non-native 34.4069 -119.6913
701475 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-06 Harbor Entrance Non-native 34.4069 -119.6913
701823 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Ballena Bay Non-native 37.7661 -122.2834
701824 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Ballena Bay Non-native 37.7661 -122.2834
701850 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-21 APL Terminal Non-native 33.7348 -118.2479
701880 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-15 Ocean Institute Dock Non-native 33.4622 -117.7063
701881 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-05 Ocean Institute Dock Non-native 33.4622 -117.7063
701932 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-24 Coast Guard Island Marina, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.7812 -122.2458
702010 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 America's Cup Harbor Non-native 32.7239 -117.2240
702015 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-10-10 America's Cup Harbor Non-native 32.7239 -117.2240
702016 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-03 America's Cup Harbor Non-native 32.7239 -117.2240
702046 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-11 Los Angeles Epifaunal 04 Non-native 33.7655 -118.2529
702057 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-16 Long Beach Epifaunal 05 Non-native 33.7766 -118.2107
702079 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Corinthian Marina Non-native 37.8726 -122.4563
702086 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-21 Corinthian Marina Non-native 37.8726 -122.4563
702118 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Switzer Creek (Dole) Non-native 32.7017 -117.1585
702149 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-24 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.6966 -122.1932
702164 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-04 Oakland Outer Harbor Non-native 37.8217 -122.3145
702179 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-09 Santa Barbara Epifaunal 03 Non-native 34.4067 -119.6889
702230 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-25 Central Basin Non-native 37.7643 -122.3863
702246 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-21 Loading Dock at Bumper Pad #51 Non-native 33.7410 -118.2746
702251 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-20 Loading Dock at Bumper Pad #51 Non-native 33.7410 -118.2746
702305 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Ayala Cove Non-native 37.8680 -122.4350
702306 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-21 Ayala Cove Non-native 37.8680 -122.4350
702327 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-19 Ayala Cove Non-native 37.8680 -122.4350
702415 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-27 Radon Corner Non-native 34.4047 -119.6937
702416 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-06 Radon Corner Non-native 34.4047 -119.6937
702477 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1971 1971-11-24 Point Loma Non-native 32.7000 -117.2458
702576 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-07-08 Richmond Marina Non-native 37.9137 -122.3504
702582 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-06 Richmond Marina Non-native 37.9137 -122.3504
702673 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-22 Yacht Haven Marina Non-native 33.7655 -118.2528
702692 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-25 Potrero Point Non-native 37.7521 -122.3790
702747 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-24 Cabrillo Beach Boat Ramp Non-native 33.7134 -118.2839
702807 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-22 LA/Long Beach Coast Guard Pier Non-native 33.7233 -118.2685
702809 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-20 LA/Long Beach Coast Guard Pier Non-native 33.7233 -118.2685
702837 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-24 Island Yacht Anchorage Non-native 33.7728 -118.2478
702868 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-26 Fiddler's Cove Non-native 32.6519 -117.1494
702886 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-22 NW Corner of Harbor Non-native 33.9830 -118.4564
702923 Fay and Johnson 1971 1970 1970-08-18 Santa Barbara Harbor Non-native 34.4057 -119.6914
702967 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-23 Sierra Point Marina, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.6732 -122.3807
702995 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-25 China Basin Non-native 37.7780 -122.3881
703041 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-21 Long Beach Downtown Marina - ISS Non-native 33.7594 -118.1866
703065 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 San Diego Bay Cruise Ship Terminal Non-native 32.7168 -117.1759
703066 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-03 San Diego Bay Cruise Ship Terminal Non-native 32.7168 -117.1759
703097 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-11-08 Port Hueneme Epifaunal 07 Non-native 34.1477 -119.2042
703105 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 Switzer Creek Non-native 32.7043 -117.1615
703137 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-15 Newport Beach Epifaunal 02 Non-native 33.6079 -117.8868
703144 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-12 Huntington Harbour Epifaunal 02 Non-native 33.7175 -118.0658
703181 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-23 Under the Bridge Non-native 33.7697 -118.2284
703195 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Ballast Point Non-native 32.6861 -117.2348
703245 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-08-15 Newport Beach Epifaunal 07 Non-native 33.6193 -117.8933
703321 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-22 Port of Los Angeles Clock Tower Non-native 33.7540 -118.2697
703334 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1961 1961-11-15 Monterey Harbor Non-native 36.6065 -121.8918
703383 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-21 LA/Long Beach Cruise Ship Pier Non-native 33.7446 -118.2762
703401 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Oakland Inner Harbor - Small marinas Non-native 37.7847 -122.2669
703441 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Back Bay Marina Non-native 33.6194 -117.8933
703468 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-25 Commercial Fishing Dock Non-native 34.1696 -119.2285
703472 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-07 Commercial Fishing Dock Non-native 34.1696 -119.2285
703512 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-26 Shelter Island Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
703533 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Balboa Coves Non-native 33.6213 -117.9364
703538 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-19 Balboa Coves Non-native 33.6213 -117.9364
703558 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-26 Wharf 5 Non-native 34.1516 -119.2072
703626 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS); Lambert and Lambert 2003 2000 2000-08-31 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
703663 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 SIO Nimitz Marine Facility Non-native 32.7078 -117.2368
703705 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-27 Front South Non-native 34.4067 -119.6889
703762 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Balboa North Channel Non-native 33.6097 -117.8957
703813 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-22 Fuel Depot Non-native 33.7440 -118.2358
703814 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-20 Fuel Depot Non-native 33.7440 -118.2358
703868 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-27 SB Yacht Harbor Non-native 34.4045 -119.6919
703993 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-21 Slip D-50 Non-native 33.7165 -118.2801
703996 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-20 Slip D-50 Non-native 33.7165 -118.2801
704110 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Coast Guard Island Non-native 37.7812 -122.2457
704111 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Coast Guard Island Non-native 37.7812 -122.2457
704176 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-06 Chevron Pier Non-native 37.9228 -122.4105
704209 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Lido Peninsula Non-native 33.6082 -117.9195
704224 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-19 Pump-A-Head Dock Non-native 33.7026 -118.0542
704227 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-24 Pump-A-Head Dock Non-native 33.7026 -118.0542
704254 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-10 Channel Islands Harbor Epifaunal 04 Non-native 34.1642 -119.2260
704280 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-23 Brisbane Lagoon, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.6862 -122.3906
704342 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-23 Super Mexico Pier Non-native 33.7708 -118.2113
704345 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-21 Super Mexico Pier Non-native 33.7708 -118.2113
704381 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-24 Newmarks Yacht Harbor Non-native 33.7644 -118.2497
704456 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-07-12 Huntington Harbour Epifaunal 01 Non-native 33.7128 -118.0543
704546 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-11-08 Port Hueneme Epifaunal 03 Non-native 34.1516 -119.2067
704558 Cohen et al. 2002 (So Cal Exotics RAS) 2000 2000-08-31 Huntington Harbour- Back Lagoon Non-native 33.7286 -118.0600
704599 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Sierra Point Marina Non-native 37.6740 -122.3792
704600 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-01 Sierra Point Marina Non-native 37.6740 -122.3792
704636 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-23 Hyundai Container Ship Dock Non-native 33.7628 -118.2144
704646 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Navy - Carrier Base Non-native 32.7062 -117.1886
704665 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-06-29 Aquaculture Floats Non-native 40.8285 -124.1648
704686 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1972 1972-02-04 Morro Bay Non-native 35.3500 -120.8500
713280 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-05-21 Oceanside Harbor, by Harbor Patrol floats Non-native 33.2081 -117.3946
713281 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-09-18 Dana Point Harbor Non-native 33.4598 -117.6956
713283 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-09-04 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
713284 Fay and Johnson 1971 1971 off Venice Non-native 33.9767 -118.4709
713285 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-30 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
713286 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-30 Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2441 -119.2593
713287 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-30 Santa Barbara Harbor Non-native 34.4066 -119.6911
713291 Ruiz et al. unpublished None Port of Redwood City Non-native 37.5137 -122.2091
757379 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1955 1955-04-20 Berkeley Non-native 37.8630 -122.3090
757380 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1955 1955-04-26 Oakland Non-native 37.7930 -122.2890
757381 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1966 1966-08-10 Mission Bay Non-native 32.7791 -117.2288
757382 Fay and Johnson 1971 1970 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
757383 Abbott and Johnson 1972 1971 Santa Barbara Non-native 34.4100 -119.6800
757384 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-10-08 Santa Barbara Harbor Non-native 34.4066 -119.6911
757385 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-10 Santa Barbara Harbor Non-native 34.4066 -119.6911
757386 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-19 Santa Barbara Harbor Non-native 34.4066 -119.6911
757387 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Santa Barbara Harbor Non-native 34.4066 -119.6911
757388 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Santa Barbara Harbor Non-native 34.4066 -119.6911
757389 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-10-08 Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2441 -119.2593
757390 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-10 Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2441 -119.2593
757391 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-19 Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2441 -119.2593
757392 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2441 -119.2593
757393 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2441 -119.2593
757394 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-30 Island Packers, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2443 -119.2650
757395 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-10-08 Island Packers, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2443 -119.2650
757396 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-10 Island Packers, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2443 -119.2650
757397 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-19 Island Packers, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2443 -119.2650
757398 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Island Packers, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2443 -119.2650
757399 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Island Packers, Ventura Harbor Non-native 34.2443 -119.2650
757400 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-10-08 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
757401 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-10 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
757402 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-19 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
757403 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
757404 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-30 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
757405 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-10-08 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
757406 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-10 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
757407 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-19 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
757408 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
757409 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-02 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
757410 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-10-08 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
757411 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-19 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
757412 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
757413 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-01 Watchorn Basin Non-native 33.7203 -118.2764
757414 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-05 Watchorn Basin Non-native 33.7203 -118.2764
757415 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Watchorn Basin Non-native 33.7203 -118.2764
757416 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Watchorn Basin Non-native 33.7203 -118.2764
757417 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-09-04 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757418 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-04-22 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757419 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-09-13 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757420 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-01 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757421 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-05 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757422 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757423 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757424 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Spinnaker Cove, Long Beach Marina Non-native 33.7652 -118.1211
757425 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Spinnaker Cove, Long Beach Marina Non-native 33.7652 -118.1211
757426 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-11-12 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757427 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-01 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757428 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-05 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757429 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757430 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757431 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-09-04 Long Beach Marina, near entrance Non-native 33.7555 -118.1132
757432 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Long Beach Marina, near entrance Non-native 33.7555 -118.1132
757433 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-08-27 Upper Newport Bay Non-native 33.6457 -117.8861
757434 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-10-27 Upper Newport Bay Non-native 33.6457 -117.8861
757435 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-05 Upper Newport Bay Non-native 33.6457 -117.8861
757436 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Upper Newport Bay Non-native 33.6457 -117.8861
757437 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-11-12 Lido Peninsula, behind Bluewater Grill Non-native 33.6143 -117.9265
757438 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-05 Lido Peninsula, behind Bluewater Grill Non-native 33.6143 -117.9265
757439 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-08-27 Balboa Fun Zone Non-native 33.6033 -117.8998
757440 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-10-27 Balboa Fun Zone Non-native 33.6033 -117.8998
757441 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-05 Balboa Fun Zone Non-native 33.6033 -117.8998
757442 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Balboa Fun Zone Non-native 33.6033 -117.8998
757443 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-10-27 Dana Point Harbor Non-native 33.4598 -117.6956
757444 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-11-25 Oceanside Harbor, inner area Non-native 33.2106 -117.3955
757445 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Oceanside Harbor, inner area Non-native 33.2106 -117.3955
757446 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-11-25 Oceanside Harbor, by Harbor Patrol floats Non-native 33.2081 -117.3946
757447 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-10-27 Oceanside Harbor, by Harbor Patrol floats Non-native 33.2081 -117.3946
757448 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Oceanside Harbor, by Harbor Patrol floats Non-native 33.2081 -117.3946
757449 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Oceanside Harbor, by Harbor Patrol floats Non-native 33.2081 -117.3946
757450 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Santa Clara Point Boat Launch, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7824 -117.2499
757451 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Santa Clara Point Boat Launch, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7824 -117.2499
757452 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Santa Clara Point Boat Launch, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7824 -117.2499
757453 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Mission Bay Yacht Club Non-native 32.7790 -117.2469
757454 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Mission Bay Yacht Club Non-native 32.7790 -117.2469
757455 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Mission Bay Yacht Club Non-native 32.7790 -117.2469
757456 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-09 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757457 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-03-26 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757458 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-11-25 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757459 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-03 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757460 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757461 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757462 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757463 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 South Shores Boat Ramp, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7644 -117.2168
757464 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 South Shores Boat Ramp, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7644 -117.2168
757465 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 South Shores Boat Ramp, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7644 -117.2168
757466 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-03-26 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757467 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-11-25 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757468 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-03 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757469 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757470 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757471 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757472 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-09 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757473 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-03-26 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757474 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-11-25 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757475 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-03 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757476 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757477 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757478 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757479 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-09 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757480 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-09-30 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757481 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757482 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757483 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757484 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1994 1994-10-09 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757485 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-03-26 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757486 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757487 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757488 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-03-26 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757489 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-09-30 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757490 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-03 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757491 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757492 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757493 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1996 1996-11-03 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757494 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757495 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757496 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1995 1995-03-26 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757497 Lambert and Lambert 1998; Lambert and Lambert 2003 1997 1997-04-06 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757498 Lambert and Lambert 2003 1998 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757499 de Rivera et al. 2005a 2003 Dana Marina Non-native 32.7675 -117.2365
757500 de Rivera et al. 2005a 2004 Vintage Marina, Oxnard Non-native 34.1715 -119.2288
757501 Cohen and Chapman 2005 2005 2005-11-27 Buoy #2 (South Bay) Non-native 37.6958 -122.3414
757502 Cohen and Chapman 2005 2005 2005-11-27 Dumbarton Bridge (pylon) Non-native 37.5031 -122.1230
757503 Cohen and Chapman 2005 2005 2005-11-27 San Mateo Bridge (pylon) Non-native 37.5835 -122.2515
757504 Wilson 2011 2009 Eureka Public Marina Non-native 40.8031 -124.1785
767464 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-07-29 Mission Bay Yacht Club, Mission Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.7778 -117.2485
767484 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-08-04 Bahia Resort Marina, Mission Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.7731 -117.2478
767530 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-08-03 Mission Bay Sport Center, Mission Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.7857 -117.2495
767558 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-08-02 The Dana Marina, Mission Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.7671 -117.2363
767570 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-08-05 Paradise Point Resort, Mission Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.7730 -117.2406
767671 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-07-16 Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.6886 -117.2343
767711 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-07-25 Navy Ammo Dock, Pier Bravo, San Diego Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.6939 -117.2276
767806 Ruiz et al., 2015 2011 2011-09-15 Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.9117 -122.3494
767827 Ruiz et al., 2015 2011 2011-09-20 San Francisco Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.8067 -122.4432
768069 Ruiz et al., 2015 2012 2012-09-11 Ballena Isle Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.7676 -122.2869
768092 Ruiz et al., 2015 2012 2012-08-30 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.6633 -122.3817
768182 Ruiz et al., 2015 2012 2012-09-05 Port of Oakland, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.7987 -122.3228
768304 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-08-20 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.5877 -122.3163
768364 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-08-13 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.6639 -122.3821
769054 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-27 Peter's Landing Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7256 -118.0758
769923 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-09 Port of LB Pier D, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7595 -118.2174
770196 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-14 Island Yacht Anchorage, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7668 -118.2408
770308 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-03 Balboa Bay Resort, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6147 -117.9138
770535 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-04 Hill's Boat Service, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6026 -117.8984
771069 Ruiz et al., 2021a 2017 2017-09-19 Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9129 -122.3494
771112 Ruiz et al., 2021a 2017 2017-09-19 Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9129 -122.3494
771162 Ruiz et al., 2021a 2017 2017-09-27 Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7837 -122.2640
771184 Ruiz et al., 2021a 2017 2017-09-27 Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7837 -122.2640
771227 Ruiz et al., 2021a 2017 2017-09-27 Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7837 -122.2640
774488 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-08-10 Woodley Island Marina, Humboldt Bay, California, USA Non-native 40.8078 -124.1610
774489 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-09 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774490 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-09 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774491 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-09 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774492 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-19 Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.8612 -122.4851
774493 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-19 Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.8612 -122.4851
774494 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-19 Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.8612 -122.4851
774495 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-16 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5895 -122.3160
774496 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-16 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5895 -122.3160
774497 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-16 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5895 -122.3160
774498 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-17 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6639 -122.3758
774499 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-17 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6639 -122.3758
774500 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-17 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6639 -122.3758
774501 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-10 Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9138 -122.3522
774502 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-10 Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9138 -122.3522
774503 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-15 Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9723 -122.4829
774504 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-15 Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9723 -122.4829
774505 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-15 Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9723 -122.4829
774506 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-15 Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9723 -122.4829
774507 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-15 Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9723 -122.4829
774508 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-21 Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5022 -122.2129
774509 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-21 Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5022 -122.2129
774510 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-14 Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9129 -122.3492
774511 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-17 Ballena Isle Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7679 -122.2863
774512 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-17 Ballena Isle Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7679 -122.2863
774513 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-23 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6630 -122.3798
774514 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5887 -122.3164
774515 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5887 -122.3164
774516 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5887 -122.3164
774517 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-18 Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9731 -122.4827
774518 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-18 Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9731 -122.4827
774519 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-25 Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.8612 -122.4849
774520 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-16 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774521 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-16 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774522 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-16 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774523 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-16 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774524 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-16 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6978 -122.1928
774525 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-21 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6633 -122.3759
774526 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5898 -122.3165
774527 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5898 -122.3165
774528 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5898 -122.3165
774529 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5898 -122.3165
774530 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-26 Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5027 -122.2138
774531 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-12 Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.9133 -122.3500


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