Pisciamphistoma stunkardi is a digenean trematode primarily infecting sunfishes (Hoffman 1967). It was described from the intestines of Pumplinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) and Warmouth (Chaeobryttus gulosus) in North Carolina. It has been found in small numbers in catfishes (Ictaluridae) and Black Basses and Crappies (Micropterus spp., Pomoxis spp.) in Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma. This trematode is apparently native to eastern North America. In 1967, it was found in Warmouth and Pumpkinseed collected from the Tracy Pumping Plant in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Pisciamphistoma stunkardi is a digenean trematode primarily infecting sunfishes. It was described from the intestine of Pumpkinseeds and Warmouths in North Carolina. It has been found in small numbers in catfishes (Ictaluridae) and other centrarchids (Micropterus spp., Pomoxis spp., basses and crappies). Digenean trematodes have at least one other host in their life cycle, but non-fish hosts have not been identified for this species, to our knowledge.