Taxonomic Group | Name | Year | Invasion Status | Population Status | Vectors |
Algae | Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii* | 2004 | Definite | Established | Canal, Fisheries Accidental (not Oyster), Natural Dispersal |
Annelids-Polychaetes | Ficopomatus enigmaticus | 1961 | Definite | Established | Ballast Water, Hull Fouling |
Annelids-Polychaetes | Laonome cf. calida | 2013 | Definite | Established | None |
Annelids-Polychaetes | Marenzelleria neglecta | 2021 | Definite | Established | None |
Annelids-Polychaetes | Polydora cornuta | 1983 | Definite | Established | Ballast Water, Hull Fouling |
Bryozoans | Victorella pavida | 1967 | Definite | Established | Hull Fouling |
Cnidarians-Hydrozoans | Calyptospadix cerulea | 1960 | Definite | Established | Hull Fouling |
Crustaceans-Barnacles | Amphibalanus eburneus | 1999 | Definite | Established | Ballast Water, Hull Fouling |
Crustaceans-Barnacles | Amphibalanus improvisus | 1979 | Definite | Established | Ballast Water, Hull Fouling |
Crustaceans-Crabs | Rhithropanopeus harrisii | 1948 | Definite | Established | Ballast Water, Hull Fouling, Natural Dispersal |
Showing 1 to 10 of 19 entries