Invasion Description
tst Records: ;San Leandro Bay, San Leandro flats, CDFW station 103 (2009 record, Chapman et al. 2021); San Mateo/CA/South San Francisco Bay (Chapman et al. 2021)
Geographic Extent
Bullhead Flat at China Camp/CA/San Pablo Bay (Chapman et a. 2021); McNears Beach/CA/CA/San Pablo Bay (Chapman et a. 2021); San Leandro Bay, San Leandro flats, CDFW station 103 (2009 record, Chapman et al. 2021)]; CA/San Pablo Baty(6/10/2010, 10 m depth, collected by dredge 'Essayons' (Chapman et al. 2021); Point San Quentin/CA/Central San Francisco Bay (Chapman 2021)'; ; Oakland/CA/Oakland Inner Harbor (Chapman et al. 2021)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Biocontrol |
Alternate | Fisheries Accidental (not Oyster) |
Regional Impacts
Ecological Impact | Parasite/Predator Vector | |
Upogebia major is a possible host vector for the introduction of the parasitic isopod Othione griffenis to San Francisco Bay (Chapman et al. 2021). | ||
Ecological Impact | Competition | |
Upogebia major is a potential competitor with the native U. pugettensis and U. macgintieorum. Howver, the idfferential impact of the castrating parasite Oirthione griffenis means that the two species probably rarely co-occur. Also, the native U. pugettensis is highly aggressive and terriitorial , while litle aggression is seen in U.major (Chapman et al. 2021). | ||
Ecological Impact | Habitat Change | |
Mud shrimps of the genus Upogebia are major habitat engineers, creating Y-shaped burrows up to 2 m deep, and creating structures in otherwise largely unstructured mudflats (kinoshita et al. 2003; Chapman et al. 2021). The bivlaveCryptomya californeinsis (California Softshell) is a frequent commensal of Upogebiia burrows (Chapman et al. 2021). Burrows of | ||