Invasion Description
1st Record: Paumalu, Oahu/HI/Pacfiic Ocean (1913, Carlton and Eldredge 2009)
Geographic Extent
Paumalu, Oahu/HI/Pacfiic Ocean (1913, Carlton and Eldredge 2009); Oahu/HI/Pearl Harbor (1915, Carlton and Eldredge 2009); Oahu/HI/Honolulu Harbor (1915, Carlton and Eldredge 2009); Oahu/Kane‘ohe Bay (Edmondson & Ingram 1939, cited by Carlton and Eldredge 2009); Hilo and Kawaihae, Hawai‘i/HI/Pacific Ocean (1986, Carlton and Eldredge 2009); Midway Island/Pacific Ocean (1986, Carlton and Eldredge 2009)
Level | Vector |
Probable | Hull Fouling |