Invasion Description
1st record: London Docks/England/Thames River (1870, type locality, Carrada and Sacchi 1964); V. pavida is no longer found at some European locations, including the Thames estuary, and the Zuiderzee (Carrada and Sacchi 1964; Carter et al. 2010).
Geographic Extent
London Docks/England/Thames River (Carrada and Sacchi 1964); Ostend/Belgium/Canals and Basins (Carrada and Sacchi 1964); Netherlands/Zuiderzee- disappeared as estuary converted to freshwater lake Irsselmer (Carrada and Sacchi 1964); Bergues, Dunkerque, Caene (Normandy)/France/English Channel (Carrada and Sacchi 1964)
Level | Vector |
Probable | Hull Fouling |