Invasion Description
1st Record: MD-DC-VA/Chesapeake Bay tributaries (1882, widespread shipments to applicants in Congressional districts, for pond-rearing; probably many fish just released (MacDonald 1884)
1st Watershed Record: Druid Hill Park, Baltimore/MD/Chesapeake Bay Watershed (), 1st Record: MA/Fish Ponds Hartel et al. 2002), 1st Watershed Record: NY-CT/Fish Ponds (1880, Whitworth 1968), 1st Record: Newburgh/NY/Hudson River (1832, DeKay 1842; McDonald 1884; Courtenay et al. 1984; Mills et al. 1997)
The identity of the "Carp", introduced to the Hudson River in 1831 (DeKay 1842), has been questioned (possibly goldfish or hybrids, Courtenay et al. 1984) but most sources now accept this record (Mills et al. 1997). Additional fish were stocked by the US Fish Commission in 1880 (McDonald 1884).], 1st Record: PA/Delaware River (Bean
1st Watershed Record: NJ-PA-DE/fish ponds (1882, McDonald 1884). 1882, widespread shipments to applicants in Congressional districts, for pond-rearing; probably many fish jwere ust released (MacDonald 1884). By 1893, they were established in PA (Bean 1893). By 1911, they were abundant in DE (Fowler 1911).
Geographic Extent
Susquehanna River- Cyprinus carpio were shipped to congressional districts in the watershed in 1882 (MacDonald 1884).
Upper Bay and Drainages - In 1882, Harford, Baltimore, Anne Arundel Counties, received 120-370 C. carpio each (MacDonald 1884. At Battery Island, (mouth of Gunpowder River) MD in 1893, 'It was noted that carp were very abundant in the waters and several reports of large numbers were brought in. On May 31, there was a report of 2,700 lbs reported in a single haul of a seine' (Worth 1895). By 1912-1917, they were abundant from Susquehanna River to the Rhode River (Fowler 1912; Radcliffe and Welsh 1917; Fowler 1917).
Patuxent River - Cyprinus carpio were shipped to congressional districts in the watershed (Anne Arundel County) in 1882 (MacDonald 1884).
Eastern Shore Tributaries - In 1882; Caroline, Cecil, Kent; Dorchester, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester Counties recieved 20-100 C. carpio each (MacDonald 1884). In recent Maryland Department of Natural Resources surveys, they were collected in the Elk River drainage (Boward et al. 1997d) but not in other Eastern Shore river systems. This fish was common in the low-salinity tributaries of the Blackwater River, Somerset County (Love et al. 2008).
Potomac River- Cyprinus carpio were transferred from the ponds in Baltimore and reared in ponds near the Washington Monument in 1879. By 1898 C. carpio were abundant in the river near Washington DC (Smith and Bean 1898). They are abundant in the mainstem of the river from Chain Bridge to the Wicomico River, and downstream in tributaries to Breton Bay (Lippson et al. 1979; Starnes et al. 2011; Kraus and Jones 2012.
Rappahannock River - Cyprinus carpio were shipped to congressional districts in the watershed in 1882 (MacDonald 1884). They were apparently not abundant in seine hauls in the tidal Rappahannock (Massmann et al. 1952).
York River- Cyprinus carpio were shipped to congressional districts in the watershed in 1882 (MacDonald 1884). They were 'occasionally taken' in haul seines in the tidal Pamunkey (Raney and Massmann 1953).
James River- Cyprinus carpio were shipped to congressional districts in the watershed in 1882 (MacDonald 1884). They were apparently not common by 1950 in the upper (nontidal) river (Raney 1950), but were 'fished commercially in both the Chickahominy and James rivers' (Raney and Massman 1953)., MA/Charles River Basin (Hartel et al. 2002), Hartford-Saybrook/CT/Connecticut River (Whitworth 1968; Jscobs et al. 2004); East Haddam/CT/Connecticut River (Marcy 1976); Norwich-New London/CT/Thames River (Whitworth 1968; Jacobson 1980); Long Island/NY/Glen Cove Creek, Long Island Sound (Briggs and Waldman 1991), Newburgh/NY/Hudson River (DeKay 1842); Troy-New York City/NY-NJ/Hudson River (Smith andLlake 1990; Mills et al. 1997; Daniels et al. 2005); New York City//NY/Bronx River (Briggs and Walman 1991), Trenton-Philadelphia-Wilmington/NJ-PA-DE (Fowler 1911; Horwitz 1986; Raasch and Altemus 1991; Weisberg et al. 1996); DE/Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (Wang and Kenehahan 1979); DE/Appoqunimink Creek (Smith 1971); DE/Alloway Creek, Long Island/NY/Carmans and Connetquot Rivers, Great South Bay (Briggs and Waldman 1991)
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