Invasion Description
1st records: Vladivostok area/Russia/Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) (1994, Radashvesky 2005); Ansan/South Korea/Shihwa Lake, Yellow Sea (1994, Lee and Cha, 1997, cited by Radashevsky and Hsieh 2000; Radashevsky 2005);
Geographic Extent
Vladivostok area/Russia/Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) (1994, Radashvesky 2005); off Russia/Pacific Ocean/Sea of Japan (2010, Alalykina 2013, 43101.21N–135128.13E, 3334 m depth); western coast/Korea/Shiwa Lake, Yellow Sea (1994, USNM 1020476, U.S. National Museum of Natural History 2015 ); Kyushu/Japan/Dokai Bay (1984-1997, Sato-Okoshi 2000); Kyushu/Japan/Hakata Bay (1984-1997, Sato-Okoshi 2000); Ansan/South Korea/Shihwa Lake, Yellow Sea (1994, Lee and Cha, 1997, cited by Radashevsky and Hsieh 2000; Radashevsky 2005)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Ballast Water |
Alternate | Hull Fouling |