Invasion Description
1st tidal record: Frenier Beach/LA/Lake Ponchartrain (Fraser 1944); 1st nontidal record: Shreveport/LA/Red River (1918, Fraser 1944, ~ 300 km inland)
Geographic Extent
Orange/TX/Sabine River (1976, McClung et al. 1978); Shreveport/LA/Red River (1918, Fraser 1944); Frenier Beach/LA/Lake Ponchartrain (Fraser 1944); New Orleans area/LA/Lake Ponchartrain, ponds, canals, tidal streams, bays; Vermillion Parish/LA; FL/tidal Escambia River (1953; Wurtz and Roback 1955); FL/Suwannee River (Mason et al. 1994); PA/Delaware River (Bilger et al. 2005); PA/Delaware River (Bilger et al. 2005); [Nontidal Freshwater: Pecos County/TX/Pecos River (McClung et al. 1978); Lufkin/TX/Angelina River (McClung et al. 1978); McCulloch County/TX/Brady Creek (McClung et al. 1978)]; Fort Myers/FL/Caloosahatchee Rive(11/2/2017, r at , on floating dock, <1 m, 22° C, 0.17‰, 02 one colony, 0.9 cm high, without gonophores, coll. D. Calder, ROMIZ B4328 (Calder 2019) 22° C, 0.17‰, 02 November 2017, one colony, 0.9 cm high, without gonophores, coll. D. Calder, ROMIZ B4328.—); 2/4/2018, on floating dock, <1 m, 20° C, 6‰, 06 several colonies, up to 9 mm high, with gonophores, coll. D. Calder, ROMIZ B4329)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Hull Fouling |
Alternate | Aquatic Plant Shipments |