Invasion Description
1st Record: Norfolk/VA/Hampton Roads (Mayer 1910)
Geographic Extent
Norfolk/VA/Hampton Roads (Mayer 1910); Norfolk/VA/Norfolk Sound (1920-21, Cowles 1930); Baltimore County/MD/Baltimore Harbor (1998, polyps identified by Dale Calder) were collected from SERC settling plates from Baltimore Harbor, Ruiz et al., unpublished data); VA/Mattaponi River (6/11/10, 36 32 26.660N, Harrison et al. 2013, 76 47 21.670 W); VA/James River (2008, Llanso and Sillet 2009, abundant, on hulls of disused ships, 'Pride', 'Scan', and 'Cape Charles', pre and post-cleaning)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Ballast Water |
Alternate | Hull Fouling |