Invasion Description
1st Record: NY/Erie-Canal-Hudson River (1902, Smith and Lake 1990; Mills et al. 1997; Daniels et al. 2005)
The Largemouth and Smallmouth Basses (Micropterus dolomieu and M. salmoides) were widely lumped as 'Black Basses' and frequently confused. The first definite record for M. dolomieu in the Hudson Basin is from 1902 Both species may have been introduced by the Erie Canal, or stocked later on (Mills et al. 1997; Daniels et al. 2005), Record: CT/Connecticut River (1855, Whitworth 1968; Whitworth 1996), Record: Trenton/NJ/Delaware River (1873, Abbot 1977),
1st Estuarine Record: Washington/DC/Potomac River (Smith 1907).
1st Watershed Record: near Cumberland/MD/Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Potomac River (1854, Smith 1907). In 1854, 20 adult M. dolomieu were carried from the Ohio River drainage in a locomotive water-tank and released in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal (Smith 1907). Additional stocking in Potomac drainage occurred from the 1860s onward. By 1876, the first MD fish survey reported that M. dolomieu 'abounds' in the Potomac in Montgomery, Frederick, and Washington Counties (Uhler and Lugger 1876)
Geographic Extent
NY/Erie-Canal-Hudson River estuary (Smith and Lake 1990; Mills et al. 1997; Daniels et al. 2005), Hartford-East Haddam/CT/Connecticut River (Whitworth 1968; Marcy 1976; Whitworth 1996; Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection 1998); Norwich/CT/Thames River estuary (1973, Whitwroth and Marsh, in Jacobson 1980)., Micropterus dolomieuuwas present in the Delaware estuary at Trenton NJ by 1873 (Abbot 1877), probably introduced by private stockings, or perhaps through canals from the Hudson. There were also numerous stockings, including one in the Delaware River, PA (405 fish) (Bean 1893), and in Brandywine Creek, DE, in 1888 and 1903 (Raasch and Altemus 1991). These bass are now resident in the Delaware estuary (Horwitz 1986; Raasch and Altemus 1991). Weisberg et al. (1996) collected them only in the upper estuary, from Philadelphia to Trenton.,
Susquehanna River: Micropterus dolomieu was stocked in the Susquehanna sometime around 1869 (Pennsylvania Department of Fisheries 1904; cited by Bielo 1963), and was abundant in the tidal river near Havre de Grace by 1883 (Bean 1893). A resident population below Conowingo Dam moves from non-tidal waters in winter and spring to tidal fresh waters as oxygen concentrations in the nontidal river drop in summer (Pavol and Davis 1982).
Upper Bay - Micropterus dolomieuwas reported by Bean (1883) at Havre de Grace, MD 'Black Bass' were planted at Principio Creek, 1893, by the USFC (Worth 1895), and M. dolomieu were stocked in the Little and Big Gunpowder River by United States Fish Commission in 1909-1910 (Bowers 1911). This species was collected in the Bohemia River (Fowler 1912; Radcliffe and Welsh 1917) and at Love Point (Hildebrand and Schroeder 1928). One specimen was caught in the the Rhode River at SERC in 1983 (Rob Aguilar, personal communication).
Eastern Shore Tributaries - 'Black Bass' were stocked in the Tred Avon River, at Easton MD in 1901, and in the Pocomoke River at Snow Hill MD in 1901-1907 (Ravenel 1902; 1903; 1904). In 1905, 129 < i>M. dolomieu were stocked in the Blackwater River, Cambridge MD (Bowers 1906). However, the distribution of Smallmouth Bass is very localized on the Eastern Shore (Lee et al. 1976; Lee et al. 1981). They were collected at one location in the Choptank River drainage in a recent MD Department of Natural Resources survey (Kazyak et al. 1998c).
Potomac River- In 1854, 20 adult M. dolomieuwere carried from the Ohio River drainage in a locomotive water-tank and released in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal (Smith 1907). Additional stocking in Potomac drainage occurred from the 1860s onward. By 1876, the first MD fish survey reported that M. dolomieu 'abounds' in the Potomac in Montgomery, Frederick, and Washington Counties (Uhler and Lugger 1876). 'Inside of ten years, the fish literally swarmed in all the tributaries from Mount Vernon to the Headwaters. At the present time the species offers much sport from Washington to Harpers Ferry and beyond, but is not common below the capital' (Smith 1907). This still seems to be an accurate description of its distribution (Jenkins and Burkehead 1993; Lippson et al. 1979), but it was present in nontidal streams at Fort Belvoir VA (Ernst et al.1995).
Rappahannock River- Micropterus dolomieu was probably stocked in 1875–76 and developed a popular fishery by 1882 (Jenkins and Burkhead 1993). It is common in the upper tidal fresh river (Massman et al. 1952; Maurakis et al. 1987).
York River- Micropterus dolomieu was probably stocked in 1875-76 (Jenkins and Burkhead 1993).
James River- In 1871, M. dolomieu was stocked by the Virginia Fish Commission in the middle and upper drainage. By 1877, they were found down the river to Richmond, where they may be resident in tidal fresh water (Jenkins and Burkhead 1993).
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