Invasion Description
1st live Record: Newport News/VA/Deep Creek, James River (USNM 1091021, 2005, S National Museum of Natural History, Harding and Harasewych 2007, 4 specimens) Early uncertain record: Norfolk/VA/Willoughby Bay (1955, an old worn shell, US Nationall Museum of Natural History collections)
Geographic Extent
Norfolk/VA/Willoughby Bay (1955, an old worn shell, US National Museum of Natural History collections); Williamsburg/VA/Back River (USNM 1091020, 2005, US National Museum of Natural History, Harding and Harasewych 2007, 14 specimens)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Oyster Accidental |
Alternate | Hull Fouling |
Alternate | Ballast Water |