Invasion Description
1st Record: Fort Pierce/FL/Indian River Lagoon ( al. 2020, cited by Radashevsky, et al. 202, not sequenced, possibly linked to P. vexillosa0, Bogantes, Viktoria E; Halanych, , Kenneth M. Larval development of Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata (Spionidae, Annelida) from Florida . 13th Interational Polychaete Conference, Long Beach CA. p. 24. Given the diversity of annelid forms, relatively little is known about the developmental processes that transform a larva into an adult. Here, we describe development of musculature, serotonergic elements of the nervous system and ciliation during larval formation in Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). There is a simultaneous development of muscles associated with the body wall and digestive system, and muscles associated with chaetal sacs are the most prominent in early stages. First serotonergic cells appear to be associated with the tip of each chaetal sac, similar to sabellarids. Ciliation is extensive and includes multiple ciliary cells around the head, stomodeum and gut, and on the pygidium. Completely circularized trochal bands were not observed. Interestingly, no apical tuft is distinguished. Comparative studies using CLSM with understudied groups will broaden our understanding of evolutionary developmental patterns across Annelida.
Geographic Extent
behind Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce/FL/Indian River Lagoon (7/25/17, Boga; ntes et al. 2021) Great Pocket, St. Lucie/FL/Indian River Lagoon (7/25/17, Bogantes et al. 2021) Jensen beach, Stuart/FL/Atlantic Ocean (7/25/17, Bogantes et al. 2021
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