Invasion Description
1st Record: Floats at Pilot Pier/Panama/Panama Bay (1972, USNM 58575, US National Museum of Natural History 2010)
Geographic Extent
Naos Island/Panama/Pilot area, Panama Bay (1972, USNM 58568, US National Museum of Natural History 2010, rocky intertidal); FarFan/Panama/Pacific Lower chamber, Mirafrlores Locks/Panama/Panama Canal (Pacific Ocean (1974, USNM 58569, US National Museum of Natural History 2010); Farfan/Panama/Panama Bay (1972, USNM 58571, US National Museum of Natural History 2010); Floats at Pilot Pier/Panama/Panama Bay (1972, USNM 58575, US National Museum of Natural History 2010); Panama/Panama Bay (2009, Ruiz et al. unpublished, 2010)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Ballast Water |
Alternate | Hull Fouling |