Invasion Description
1st record: Suez/Egypt/Suez Canal (1924, Zibrowius 1971; Ben Eliahu and ten Hove 2011)
Geographic Extent
Suez/Egypt/Suez Canal (1924, Zibrowius 1971; Ben Eliahu and ten Hove 2011); Alexandria/Egypt/Mediterranean Sea (1978, USNM 55680, US National Museum of Natural History 2007; Ghobashy and Ghobashy 2005); Haifa/Israel//Mediterranean Sea (1966, Galil 2007); Beirut/Lebanon/Mediterranean; Israel/Mediterranean Sea [Material examined: ESFM?POL/05?86, 11.9.2005, K4, 0.5 m, on rope and tire, 3 specimens; ESFM?POL/05?83, 8.9.2005, K7a, Iskenderun Harbour, 0.1 m, on rocks, 12 specimens; ESFM?POL/05?84, 9.9.2005, K10a, Yumurtalik Harbour, 0.2 m, on tire, rope and dock, 3 specimens; ESFM?POL/05?80, 17.9.2005, Mersin Bay, K13, 0.2 m, on tire, 3 specimens; ESFM?POL/05?82, 17.9.2005, Mersin Bay, DT5, 5 m, on a nylon bag, 100 specimens; ESFM?POL/05?81, 18.9.2005, Mersin Bay, K14, 2 m, on a stone, 2 specimens; ESFM?POL/05?85, 18.9.2005, Mersin Bay, K15, 0.2?3 m, on rocks, 1 specimen (Cinar 2006, Cinar et al. 2017]; Cyprus/Mediterranean Sea (1996, Katsanevakis et al. 2009)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Hull Fouling |
Alternate | Ballast Water |