Invasion Description
1st Record: Troy/NY/Hudson River (Aldrich 1869, cited by Strayer 1987; ANSP 27361, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2013) NY/Mohawk River (1863, MCZ Malacology 233707, Museum of Comparative Zoology 2013)
Geographic Extent
Mohawk/NY/Mohawk River (Lewis 1872, cited by Strayer 1987; Troy/NY/Hudson River (Aldrich 1869, cited by Strayer 1987; ANSP 27361, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2013); Hudson/NY/Hudson River (Townes 1937, cited by Strayer 1987, dead shells only); Poughkeepsie to Albany/NY/Hudson River (2008, Coote and Strayer 1987, only one shell found)
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