Invasion Description
1st Record: OR/Yaquina Bay (1872, Washburn 1896, cited by Carlton 1979)
Geographic Extent
WA/Grays Harbor (1900, Doane 1905, cited by Carlton 1979, sporadic plantings untill 1943, Carlton 1979); WA/Willapa Bay (1874, Washburn 1896, cited by Carlton 1979, additonal plantings to 1914, one small reproducing population persisted in the Naselle River to the 1970s, Carlton 1979); OR/Yaquina Bay (1872, Washburn 1896, cited by Carlton 1979; additional plantings, 1900-1931, a few spat were seen, Carlton 1979); CA/Humboldt Bay (1896, last planted in 1936-37, Bonnot 1937, cited by Carlton 1979, last living oyster found in 1948 Carlton 1979)
Level | Vector |
Probable | Oyster Intentional |
Regional Impacts
Ecological Impact | Parasite/Predator Vector | |
While C. virginica has not become established on the Pacific Northwest outer coast, Eastern Oyster introductions have been a probable/possible vector for many fouling organisms and predators including Cliona sp. (boring sponges) and other sponges, polychaetes [Alitta (=Neanthes, Nereis), Streblospio benedicti], slippershells (Crepidula convexa, C. plana), Atlantic Oyster Drill (Urosalpinx cinerea), and tunicates (Botryllus schlosseri, Molgula manhattensis) (Carlton 1979; Boyd et al. 2002; Cohen et al. 2001; Wonham and Carlton 2005). | ||