Invasion Description
1st Record: CA/Humboldt Bay (1896, Bonnot 1937, cited by Carlton 1979). Limited aquaculture of this species conitnues in Humboldt Bay (California Department of Health Services 2007)
Geographic Extent
CA/Humboldt Bay (1896, last planted in 1936-37, Bonnot 1937, cited by Carlton 1979; last living oyster found in 1948, Carlton 1979)
Level | Vector |
Probable | Oyster Intentional |
Regional Impacts
Ecological Impact | Parasite/Predator Vector | |
While C. virginica has not become established in Humboldt Bay, Eastern Oyster introductions have been a probable/possible vector for many fouling organisms and predators including Cliona sp. (boring sponges) and other sponges, polychaetes (Streblospio benedicti), slippershells (Crepidula convexa, C. plana), Atlantic Oyster Drill (Urosalpinx cinerea), and tunicates (Botryllus schlosseri, Molgula manhattensis) (Carlton 1979; Boyd et al. 2002; Wonham and Carlton 2005). | ||