Invasion Description
Introduced?: 'Connecticut'/Long island Sound (6/2017, YPM IZ 102067, Yale Peabody Museum 2021)Stirling Harbor Shipyard, Greenport/NY/Long Island Sound (2019, Pederson et al. 2021); Considered cryptogenic in the Hudson (Ristich et al. 1977) and Raritan Bay, introduced in Long Island (establishment unknwon), established and presumed native in Chespeake Bay southward (Henry and MacLaughlin 1975; Kennedy and diCosimo 1980);
Geographic Extent
Connecticut'/Long island Sound (6/2017, YPM IZ 102067, Yale Peabody Museum 2021, establishment unknown); Stirling Harbor Shipyard, Greenport/NY/Long Island Sound (2019, Pederson et al. 2021, establishment unknown; MD/Chespeake Bay (Kennedy and di Cosimo 1980)
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