Invasion Description
1st Established Record: Venezuela/Gulf of Paria (2005, Perez et al. 2007; Altuve et al. 2008, 3 adults, one juvenile)
1st Aquaculture Record?: Venezeula/aquaculture ponds (1984, Perez et al. 2007); Colombia/Caribbean Sea (Denmark 2006)
'Luis Fernando Botero, Morrison Pump Company (USA and Colombia), reported to the Shrimp List: In the late 1970s or early 1980s, there was a Taiwanese operation on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia that grew P. monodon. I seem to recall the project was closed down by local environmental authorities. Chris Denmark, former operations manager at Sea Farms International in Venezuela and current director of purchasing for Latin America at Expac Seafood (a major shrimp importer), posted to the Shrimp List: In 2005, two P. monodon were found in Colombia (on the Caribbean Coast), one of them quite large, and a smaller one was found in Venezuela (Lake Maracaibo).' Chris Denmark,on Shrimp List-, forwarded by Pam Fuller, USGS
Geographic Extent
Barro del Colorado/Costa Rica/Caribbean Sea (9/14/14, Alfaro-Montoya et al. 2015, 2% of fishermen's catch in area, repfoductive adults); Venezeula/aquaculture ponds (1984, Perez et al. 2007); Colombia/Caribbean Sea (Denmark 2006); Venezeula/Gulf of Paria (Perez et al. 2007; Altuve et al. 2008, 3 adults, one juvenile); Colombia/Caribbean Sea (2005, Chris Denmark, on Shrimp List-; Colombia/Gulf of Uraba, Caribbean Sea (2011, Sandoval et al. 2014, 397 individuals caught by local fishery); Cabo de La Vela and Punta Gallinas/Colombia/Caribbean Sea (Gómez y Campos, 2008, cited by Gracia et al. 2011); Santa Marta/Colombia/Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (Hoy Diario del Magdalena 2008, cited by Gracia et al. 2011)
Level | Vector |
Probable | Fisheries Accidental (not Oyster) |