Invasion Description
1st Record: Hawthorne Cove Marina, Salem/MA/Hawthorne Cove, Salem Harbor, Massachusetts Bay (7/31/2010, MIT Sea Grant 2010; Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 2010)
Geographic Extent
Port Harbor Marina, Portland/ME/Portland Harbor (Wells et al. 2014); Wells Harbor Marina/ME/Wells Harbor (2013, Wells et al. 2014); Kennebunk Beach/ME/Gulf of Maine (8-23-2011, MIT Sea Grant 2010); Hampton River Marina/NH/Hampton River (2013, Wells et al. 2014); Hawthorne Cove Marina, Salem/MA/Hawthorne Cove, Salem Harbor, Massachusetts Bay (7/31/2010, MIT Sea Grant 2010; Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 2010; Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management 2013); Sandwich/MA/Cape Cod Bay (2012, James T. Carlton, personal communication 2012; 2013, Wells et al. 2014)
Level | Vector |
Probable | Ballast Water |