Invasion History

First Non-native North American Tidal Record: 0
First Non-native West Coast Tidal Record:
First Non-native East/Gulf Coast Tidal Record: 0

General Invasion History:

The red seaweed Dasysiphonia japonica is native to the Northwest Pacific from Pacific Russia to China, including the Sea of Japan and East China Sea, and the Japanese Pacific Coast (Sjotun et al. 2010; Guiry and Guiry 2022). In Europe, it was first recorded on farmed oysters in Brittany, France, and now ranges from Norway to Galicia, Spain, and locations in the Mediterranean involved in oyster culture, including the Thau Lagoon, France, the Venice Lagoon, and the Gulf of Taranto, Italy (Sjotun et al. 2008; Petrocelli et al. 2016). This seaweed was first reported from Quonochontaug Beach, Charlestown, Rhode Island, on the Atlantic Coast of North America, and now is found south to the Great South Bay, Rhode Island, to Nova Scotia (Mathieson 2016; Newton et al. 2013; Savoie and Saunders 2013; Saunders 2022). Ballast water, hull fouling, and transplants of Pacific Oysters are all likely vectors for the introduction of D. japonica to Europe (Sjotun et al. 2008). Introductions of Pacific Oysters have been limited on the East Coast of North America, so shipping vectors are more likely in this region.

North American Invasion History:

Invasion History on the East Coast:

Dasysiphonia japonica was first reported from Quonochontaug Beach, Charlestown, Rhode Island, on the Atlantic Coast of North America in 2009, where it was found washed up by a storm (Schneider 2010). In 2010 to 2013, it was found at a variety of sites from Long Island Sound from Casco Bay Maine (MacIntyre et al. 2010; Schneider 2010; Newton et al. 2013; Savoie and Saunders 2013; Mathieson 2016). In 2012, four specimens of D. japonica were collected from Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia (Savoie and Saunders 2013). This seaweed now seems to be established in Nova Scotia (Saunders 2022, photos). Since 2018 D. japonica is established on the south side of Long Island, in Shinnecock Bay and Great South Bay (Young and Gobler 2021;Young et al. 2022).


Invasion History Elsewhere in the World:

Dasysiphonia japonica was first reported as Heterosiphonia japonica from Roscoff, Brittany, France, in 1984. In 1988, it was found in Galicia, Spain.  By 2007, D. japonica was found in 14 separate locations from northern Spain to Norway and Sweden. Many of these sites were also locations of intense oyster culture (Sjotun et al. 2008). In the Mediterranean D. japonica became established in the Thau Lagoon, France, the Lagoon of Venice (1998–1999; Sjotun et al. 2008) and the Gulf of Taranto (2014; Petrocelli et al. 2019).  Sjotun et al. (2008) consider both shipping and oyster-transfers as important vectors. New locations for Dasysiphonia japonica in Europe include the Orkney and Shetland Islands (Collin et al. 2015; Nall et al. 2015), and southwest Norway (Husa et al. 2004).


Dasysiphonia japonica grows as a flattened fan-shaped thallus, dichotomously branching in one plane, and attached by a disk-like holdfast, with rhizoids. The plants are deep rose-red and 20–200 mm tall. Some growth axes are prostrate and attached to the substrate by down-growing rhizoids. The central axes are covered by a cortex formed by rhizoids, small branchlets develop from single basal cells on almost every segment, contributing to a densely bushy appearance. The tetrasporangia  occur in pod-like stichidia (swellings). This species is abundant both as attached plants and in drifting masses. It was previously placed in the genus Heterosiphonia (Schneider 2010; Sjøtun; et al. 2008 Mathieson and Dawes 2017; Saunders 2022).



Taxonomic Tree

Kingdom:   Plantae
Phylum:   Rhodophycota
Class:   Rhodophyceae
Subclass:   Florideophycideae
Order:   Ceramiales
Family:   Dasyaceae
Genus:   Dasysiphonia
Species:   japonica


Dasysiphonia sp. (None, None)
Heterosiphonia asymmetria (, None)
Heterosiphonia japonica (Yendo, 1920)

Potentially Misidentified Species

Heterosiphonia densiuscula

Records of H. japonica from the NE Pacific are based on misidentifications of H. densiuscula Kylin, described from Friday Harbor, Washington (Sjotun et al. 2008).



The red seaweed Dasysiphonia japonica has successfully invaded a wide range of warm-temperate and cold-temperate habitats in Europe and North America (Bjaerke and Rueness 2004; Sjotun et al. 2008; Newton et al. 2013; Glenn et al. 2020). It has colonized coastal areas prone to ice formation (Maine, Nova Scotia, Norway) but also areas with high summer temperatures (Long Island bays, Mediterranean lagoons) (Newton et al. 2013; Savoie and Saunders 2015; Sjotun et al. 2008). In culture, D. japonica tolerates temperatures from 0 to 30 ºC, optimally 19–25 ºC, and with best growth at 20–30 PSU. Sporelings survived 4 ºC, but showed little growth; growth was better at 6 and 10º C (Bjaerke and Rueness 2014). Sporelings survived at least 40 days in darkness, suggesting that survival in ballast water is possible. In culture experiments on the west coast of Sweden, D. japonica grew faster than several native seaweeds, and faster than the non-native Bonnemaisonia hamifera, which devotes much of its energy to producing antifeeding compounds (Sagerman et al. 2014). Although D. japonica did not produce easily detectable anti-feeding compounds, it was only grazed at low rates by herbivores. Homogenized D. japonica produces red-colored exudates which are toxic to invertebrates. Low palatability may explain the rapid rise to dominance in alga communities (Sagerman et al. 2015; Young et al. 2022).

Trophic Status:

Primary Producer



General HabitatOyster ReefNone
General HabitatMarinas & DocksNone
General HabitatRockyNone
General HabitatUnstructured BottomNone
Salinity RangePolyhaline18-30 PSU
Salinity RangeEuhaline30-40 PSU
Tidal RangeSubtidalNone
Tidal RangeLow IntertidalNone
Vertical HabitatEpibenthicNone

Life History

Dasysiphonia japonica has an alternating life cycle with two morphologically somewhat similar life-cycle phases, a diploid tetrasporophyte and a haploid gametophyte (Bold and Wynne 1978). However, the gametophytes are rarely seen in Japan or Europe (Bold and Wynne 1978; Sjotun 2008). The blades of the tetrasporophytes bear pod-like stichidia, which release carpospores. The tetrasporangia divide into a fourfold (cruciate) pattern to produce tetraspores. The tetraspores are released, and settle, and grow into gametophytes (Bold and Wynne 1978). However, these gametophytes rarely become fertile in European and North American waters. Reproduction is largely asexual, through fragmentation of small branchlets (pseudolaterals) which settle, produce rhizoids and grow on various substrates. In experiments, plants developing through fragmentation outnumber those produced by settling of tetraspores (Husa and Sjotun 2006). In introduced habitats, the life cycle of algae or flowering plants is often modified, which is consistent with a rule, called 'Baker's Law', which states that asexual life-cycle stages tend to predominate in invading populations. For example, North American and European populations of the introduced red alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla consist largely of diploid populations reproducing by fragmentation (Krueger-Hadfield et al. 2016). In Dasysiphonia japonica, the predominant plants are tetraspophytes, reproducing asexually (Husa and Sjotun 2006).

Tolerances and Life History Parameters

Minimum Temperature (ºC)0Experimental (Bjaerke and Rueness 2004) and field (Sjotun et al. 2004)
Maximum Temperature (ºC)30Experimental ( (Bjaerke and Rueness 2004)
Minimum Salinity (‰)20Experimental (Bjaerke and Rueness 2004)
Maximum Salinity (‰)38Based on occurrence in the Mediterranean
Minimum Reproductive Temperature17For sexual reproduction in cultures (Bjaerke and Rueness 2004)
Maximum Reproductive Temperature24For sexual reproduction in cultures (Bjaerke and Rueness 2004)
Minimum Reproductive Salinity30For sexual reproduction in cultures (Bjaerke and Rueness 2004)
Minimum Length (mm)20Mathieson and Dawes 2017
Maximum Length (mm)200Mathieson and Dawes 2017
Broad Temperature RangeNoneCold emperate-Warm temperate
Broad Salinity RangeNonePolyhaline-Euhaline

General Impacts

The red alga Dasysiphonia japonica has shown a pattern of rapid spread and population growth, sometimes becoming a biomass dominant, altering habitat. In some cases, the period of dominance is followed by a decline. This alga has functioned as a a habitat engineer and a modifier of food-webs (Dijkstra et al. 2007).

Competition- In surveys in 2012, from Casco Bay, Maine, to the mouth of Long Island Sound, Dasysiphonia japonica comprised 14% of the subtidal community, but 80% in some locations (Newton et al. 2013). On New England rocky reefs, D. japonica grew more rapidly than native filamentous algae and were associated with reduced community diversity. When raised in isolation, growth rates of D. japonica and native algae were comparable, as was grazing by herbivores, but in the context of the assemblage, D. japonica predominated. One factor was D. japonica's higher rate of nitrate uptake (Low et al. 2015).  Over 5 years of surveys in an area invaded by Dasysiphonia japonica (Nahant, Massachusetts) biodiversity decreased by 50%, but D. japonica became less aggressive, co-inhabiting member of the community (Ramsay-Newton et al. 2017).

Habitat Change- The replacement of native kelps by Dasysiphonia japonica decreased the preferred habitat for a native fish (Cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus) seeking refuges from predators. However, the overall effects on this species are unknown (O'Brien et al. 2019).

Foodwebs- At the beginning of 5 years of surveys, in Nahant, Massachusetts,  Dasysiphonia japonica had an extremely high rate of nitrate-use efficiency, about an order of magnitude of that of other species.  Over the period of the survey, the nitrate-use efficiency of D. japonica dropped to levels comparable to those of other species (Ramsay-Newton et al. 2017).

Toxicity- Dasyiphonia japonica and the native red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae produce exudates that can inhibit the growth of the noxious brown tide picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens. Potentially, these effects could be useful in maintaining water quality, especially in aquaculture operations (Benitt et al. 2022). Sagerman et al. (2015) observed that 'red colored' exudates from D. japonica were toxic to crustacean herbivores. Decaying blooms of D. japonica in Great South Bay, Long Island created red discoloration of the water. Young et al. (2022) exposed fishes of two species (Cyprinodon variegatus, Sheepshead Minnow; Menidia beryllina, Tidewater Silverside), and larvae of  two bivalves (Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica) and Hard Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) to water that had contained decaying D. japonica. Exposure to this 'red water' caused 50–90% mortality in fishes and bivalves. The red water contained compounds resembling caulerpin, a known algal toxin, and other unidentified compounds (Young et al. 2022).

Fisheries- Dasysiphonia japonica has had adverse affects on commercial fishes in Rhode Island by clogging nets and lobster traps (National Fisherman 2004).


Regional Impacts

NEA-IINoneEcological ImpactCompetition
Competition impacts were listed for the British Isles by Minchin et al. (2013).
NA-ET2Bay of Fundy to Cape CodEcological ImpactCompetition

In the Gulf of Maine, where D. japonica was first discovered in 2010, by 2012 it has become the second most abundant macroalga in subtidal communities, comprising on average 17% of the community. At some locations, it had 100% coverage. Species richness was negatively correlated with H. japonica abundance (Newton et al. 2013). At Nahant MA, on Massachusetts Bay, Heterosiphonia japonica was dominant in areas with reduced native diversity, had higher rates of nitrate uptake, grew faster than other dominants, and had reduced grazing from a common herbivore, the native snail Lacuna vincta (Chink Shell). These differences were context-dependent; growth rates of the species did not differ in isolation in the laboratory (Low et al. 2014). However, the aggressiveness and nutrient uptake of D. japonica decreased in the 5 years since the initial invasion. The biodiversity of the community continued to be reduced after the invasion (Ramsay-Newton et al. 2016).

NA-ET3Cape Cod to Cape HatterasEcological ImpactCompetition

In the Virginian Province (south of Cape Cod), where D. japonica was first discovered in 2009, it has by 2012, become the third most abundant macroalga in subtidal communities, comprising on average, 7% of the community. At some locations, it had up to 52% coverage. Species richness was negatively correlated with D. japonica abundance (Newton et al. 2013).

N170Massachusetts BayEcological ImpactHabitat Change

At Nahant MA, on Massachusetts Bay, Dasysiphonia japonica was dominant in areas with reduced native diversity, had higher rates of nitrate uptake, grew faster than other dominants, and had reduced grazing from a common herbivore, the native snail Lacuna vincta (Chink Shell). These differences were context-dependent; growth rates of the species did not differ in isolation in the laboratory (Low et al. 2014). However, the aggressiveness and nutrient uptake of D. japonica decreased in the 5 years since the initial invasion. The biodiversity of the community continued to be reduced after the invasion (Ramsay-Newton et al. 2016).

M020Narragansett BayEconomic ImpactFisheries

Dassiphonia japonica has been clogging nets, lines, lobster and conch (whelk) pots in Rhode Island waters, causing serious problems for fishermen (National Fisherman 2014).

NA-ET3Cape Cod to Cape HatterasEconomic ImpactFisheries

Dasysiphonia japonica has been clogging nets, lines, lobster and conch (whelk) plots in Rhode Island waters, causing serious problems for fishermen (National Fisherman 2014).

NA-ET2Bay of Fundy to Cape CodEcological ImpactHabitat Change

Around the Isles of Shoals, NH-ME, from the 1979 to 2015,  kelps and other larger brown seaweeds were becoming replaced by smaller, bushier red seaweeds (Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Dasysiphonia japonica, and Neosiphonia spp.) and Codium fragile, increasing the structural complexity of the environment, and the abundance and diversity of meso-sized invertebrates (Dijkstra et al. 2017). A mid-sized predatory fish, the Cunner (Tautogolabrus adpsersus) preferred kelps to the shorter, bushier seaweeds, dominated by D. japonica in experiments, but the type of seaweed community did not affect the fish's predation success on invertebrates (O'Brien et al. 2018).

N135_CDA_N135 (Piscataqua-Salmon Falls)Ecological ImpactHabitat Change

Around the Isles of Shoals, NH-ME, from the 1979 to 2015, kelps and other larger brown seaweeds were being replaced by smaller, bushier red seaweeds (Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Dasysiphonia japonica, and Neosiphonia spp.) and Codium fragile, increasing the structural complexity of the environment, and the abundance and diversity of meso-sized invertebrates (Dijkstra et al. 2017). The community of short, dense red seaweeds, expanding in the Gulf of Maine, is less preferred by a mid-sized native fish, Tsutogolabris adpersus (Cunner), compared to the declining beds of taller, simpler native kelp (Saccharina latissimus) (O'Brien et al. 2018).

B-INoneEcological ImpactFood/Prey

Dasysiphonia japonica was not preferred over native algae by native amphipods and isopods Idotea granulosa (Isopoda); Gammarus locusta; and Gammarellus angulosus (Sagerman et al. 2015).

M045_CDA_M045 (Southern Long Island)Ecological ImpactCompetition
Favored by local ocean acidification and nitrogen pollution (Young and Gobler 2021)
M050Great South BayEcological ImpactCompetition

Chemicals released by Dasysiphonia japonica and the native red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae inhibit the growth of the cryptogenic and noxious bloom-forming algae Aureococcus anophageffereans ('Brown tide').

NYNew YorkEcological ImpactCompetition
Favored by local ocean acidification and nitrogen pollution (Young and Gobler 2021),

Chemicals released by Dasysiphonia japonica and the native red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae inhibit the growth of the cryptogenic and noxious bloom-forming algae Aureococcus anophageffereans ('Brown tide').

MAMassachusettsEcological ImpactHabitat Change

At Nahant MA, on Massachusetts Bay, Dasysiphonia japonica was dominant in areas with reduced native diversity, had higher rates of nitrate uptake, grew faster than other dominants, and had reduced grazing from a common herbivore, the native snail Lacuna vincta (Chink Shell). These differences were context-dependent; growth rates of the species did not differ in isolation in the laboratory (Low et al. 2014). However, the aggressiveness and nutrient uptake of D. japonica decreased in the 5 years since the initial invasion. The biodiversity of the community continued to be reduced after the invasion (Ramsay-Newton et al. 2016).

NHNew HampshireEcological ImpactHabitat Change

Around the Isles of Shoals, NH-ME, from the 1979 to 2015, kelps and other larger brown seaweeds were being replaced by smaller, bushier red seaweeds (Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Dasysiphonia japonica, and Neosiphonia spp.) and Codium fragile, increasing the structural complexity of the environment, and the abundance and diversity of meso-sized invertebrates (Dijkstra et al. 2017). The community of short, dense red seaweeds, expanding in the Gulf of Maine, is less preferred by a mid-sized native fish, Tsutogolabris adpersus (Cunner), compared to the declining beds of taller, simpler native kelp (Saccharina latissimus) (O'Brien et al. 2018).

MEMaineEcological ImpactHabitat Change

Around the Isles of Shoals, NH-ME, from the 1979 to 2015, kelps and other larger brown seaweeds were being replaced by smaller, bushier red seaweeds (Bonnemaisonia hamiferaDasysiphonia japonica, and Neosiphonia spp.) and Codium fragile, increasing the structural complexity of the environment, and the abundance and diversity of meso-sized invertebrates (Dijkstra et al. 2017). The community of short, dense red seaweeds, expanding in the Gulf of Maine, is less preferred by a mid-sized native fish, Tsutogolabris adpersus (Cunner), compared to the declining beds of taller, simpler native kelp (Saccharina latissimus) (O'Brien et al. 2018).

Edit Impact Delete Impact

Regional Distribution Map

Leaflet | Tiles © Esri — Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri
Leaflet | Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community


Benitt, Colin; Young, Craig S.; Sylvers, Laine H.; Gobler, Christopher J. (2022) Inhibition of harmful algal blooms caused by Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae) using native (Gracilaria tikvahiae) and invasive (Dasysiphonia japonica) red seaweeds from North America, Journal of Applied Phycology 34: 965–983

Bjærke, Marit Ruge; Rueness, Jan (2004) Effects of temperature and salinity on growth, reproduction and survival in the introduced red alga Heterosiphonia japonica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta)., Botanica Marina 47: 373-380

Bold, Harold C.; Wynne, Michael J. (1978) Introduction to the Algae: Structure and Reproduction, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Pp. <missing location>

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Collin, Samuel B.; Tweddle, Jacqueline F.; Shucksmith, Rachel J. (2015) Rapid assessment of marine non-native species in the Shetland Islands, Scotland, BioInvasions Records 4: In press

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doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12775

Glenn, Megan Mathieson, Arthur Grizzle, Raymond Burdick, David (2020) Seaweed communities in four subtidal habitats within the Great Bay estuary, New Hampshire: Oyster farm gear, oyster reef, eelgrass bed, and mudflat, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 524(151307): Published online

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Lindstrom, S.C. (1977) An annotated bibliography of the benthic marine algae of Alaska, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Technical Data Report 31: 1-172

Low, Natalie H. N.; Drouin, Annick; Marks, Christopher J.; Bracken, Matthew E. S. (2014) Invader traits and community context contribute to the recent invasion success of the macroalga Heterosiphonia japonica on New England rocky reefs, Biological Invasions Published online(17): 257–271

MacIntyre, Chris; Adrienne Pappal; Pederson, Judy; Smith, Jan P. (2011) Marine Invaders in the Northeast Rapid Assessment Survey of non-native and native marine species of floating dock communities, Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management, Boston MA. Pp. <missing location>

Maggs, Christine A.; Stegenga, Herre (1999) Red algal exotics on North Sea coasts., Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 52: 243-258

Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (2013) Rapid assessment survey of marine species at New England floating docks and rocky shores, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, Boston MA. Pp. <missing location>

Mathieson, Arthur C.; Dawes, Clinton J. (2017) Seaweeds of the Northwest Atlantic, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst MA. Pp. <missing location>

Mathieson, Arthur C.; Pedersen, Judith; Dawes, Clinton J. (2016) Rapid assessment survey of fouling and introduced seaweeds from southern Maine to Rhode Island, Rhodora 118(974): 113-167
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Minchin, Dan; Cook, Elizabeth J.; Clark, Paul F. (2013) Alien species in British brackish and marine waters, Aquatic Invasions 8: in press

Moore, Colin G.; Harries, Dan B. (2009) Appearance of Heterosiphonia japonica (Ceramiales: Rhodophyceae) on the west coast of Scotland, with notes on Sargassum muticum (Fucales: Heterokontophyta), Marine Biodiversity Records 2: 1-5

Nall, Christopher R.; Guerin, Andrew J.; Cook, Elizabeth J. (2015) Rapid assessment of marine non-native species in northern Scotland and a synthesis of existing Scottish records, Aquatic Invasions 10(1): 107–121

National Fisherman (2014) Red seaweed proliferation plaguinng R.I. Fishermen, National Fisherman October: 12

Newton, Christine; Bracken, Matthew E. S.; McConville, Megan; Rodrigue, Katherine; Thornber, Carol S. (2013) Invasion of the red seaweed Heterosiphonia japonica spans biogeographic provinces in the western North Atlantic Ocean, None 8(4): e62261

Nunn, Julia; Minchin, Dan 2013 Marine non-native invasive species in Northern Ireland. <missing URL>

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O'Brien, Brandon S.; Mello, Kristen; Littere, Amber L; , Dijkstra, Jennifer A. (2018) Seaweed structure shapes trophic interactions: A case study using a midtrophic level fish species, Journa of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 56(1): 1-8

Oliveira, Otto M. P. and 24 authors (2016) Census of Cnidaria (Medusozoa) and Ctenophora from South American marine waters, Zootaxa 4194: 1-256

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Peña, V.; Bárbara, I.; Grall, J.; Maggs, C. A.; Hall-Spencer, J. M. (2014) The diversity of seaweeds on maerl in the NE Atlantic, Marine Biodiversity 44: 533-551

Petrocelli, Antonella; Cecere, Ester; Rubino, Fernando (2019) Successions of phytobenthos species in a Mediterranean transitional water system: the importance of long term observations, Nature Conservation 34: 217-246

Ramsay-Newton, Christine; Drouin, Annick; Hughes, A. Randall; Bracken, Matthew E. S. (2017) Species, community, and ecosystem-level responses following the invasion of the red alga Dasysiphonia japonica to the western North Atlantic Ocean, Biological Invasions 19: 537–547
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Sagerman, Josefin; Enge, Swantje; Pavia, Henrik; Wikström, Sofia A. (2015) Low feeding preference of native herbivores for the successful non-native seaweed Heterosiphonia japonica, Marine Biology 162: 2471-2479

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Savoie, Amanda M.; Saunders, Gary W. (2013) First record of the invasive red alga Heterosiphonia japonica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in Canada, BioInvasions Records 2(1): 27-32

Schneider, Craig W. (2010) Report of a new invasive alga in the Atlantic United States: ‘‘Heterosiphonia’’ japonica in Rhode Island, Journal of Phycology 46: 653-657

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Sjøtun, Kjersti; Husa, Vivian; Peña, Viviana (2008) Present distribution and possible vectors of introductions of the alga Heterosiphonia japonica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in Europe., Aquatic Invasions 3(4): 377-394

Stegenga, Herre; Karremans, Mart (2015) [Review of the red algal exotics in the marine waters of the Southwest Netherlands], Gorteria 27: 141-157

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Young, Craig S.; Lee, Cheng-Shiuan; Sylvers, Laine H.; Venkatesan, Arjun K.; Gobler, Christopher J. (2022) The invasive red seaweed, Dasysiphonia japonica, forms harmful algal blooms: Mortality in early life stage fish and bivalves and identification of putative toxins, Harmful Algae 118(102294): Published online.