Murdannia keisak (Asian Dewflower) is native to east Asia, including Japan, China, and Taiwan. tt is a creeping emergent wetland pant with narrow, pointed leaves, and small, pink 3-pointed flowers. was probably was introduced to North America during the period of extensive rice cultivation in the Southeast United States, before 1860, perhaps as early as the 1600's, but was suppressed by intensive hand picking of weeds, until rice cultivation was reduced or abandoned by the 1920's. Its first North American record is an herbarium specimen collected in 1927 in Louisiana In 1935. ts seeds were identified (as Aneilema nudiflorum) in the stomach of ducks from the Santee River Delta, South Carolina. First records in other southeastern states were: North Carolina - 1948, Smith Creek, Georgia- 1948, Altamaha River, and Arkansas- 1960s (Murdannia keisak is now widespread in the southeastern US, north to Kentucky, and Maryland Murdannia keisak has also been found in fresh tidal marshes of the Columbia River around 1980. It has been spreading, but negative impacts have not been reported,