Invasion Description
1st Record: Coast Guard Island, San Francisco/CA/San Francisco Bay (2004, Cohen et al. 2005); Pete's Harbor/CA/San Francsco Bay (2004, Cohen et al. 2005); SCAMIT 2006, 25 (^) SCAMIT recognizes the synonymy of Neoamphitrite with Amphitrite by Hutchings & Glasby 1988. That synonymy is also cited in Table 4 page 494 of Hutchings 1997, The Terebellidae from the Wallabi Group. Harris, in a preliminary description of Neoamphitrite sp SFA 2K (personal email comm. To D. Norris and R. Rowe), noted that she was going to place her San Francisco Bay provisional species in Terebella (because of its 41-43 setigers), but that Glasby (pers. comm. To Harris) felt that the presence of lateral lappets were far more significant at the generic level than the setiger count.
Geographic Extent
1st Record: Coast Guard Island, San Francisco/CA/San Francisco Bay (2004, Cohen et al. 2005); CA/Soutth San Francisco Bay (2007, Zabin et al. 2001, Zabin et al. 2010, mudflats, near byoliths); Pete's Harbor/CA/San Francsco Bay (2004, Cohen et al. 2005); 7marinas/CA/San Francisco Bay (2014-2016, Ruiz and Geller 2018); S
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