You are viewing an archived site. The Chesapeake Bay Introduced Species Database project ended in 2020 and the database is no longer receiving updates. Learn more…
Image of Rapana venosa


Taxonomic Group Taxon
Mollusks-Gastropods Assiminea succinea
Mollusks-Gastropods Bellamya chinensis
Mollusks-Gastropods Bellamya japonica
Mollusks-Gastropods Bithynia tentaculata
Mollusks-Gastropods Cuthona perca
Mollusks-Gastropods Eupleura sulcidentata
Mollusks-Gastropods Favorinus sp.
Mollusks-Gastropods Littorina littorea
Mollusks-Gastropods Melampus floridanus
Mollusks-Gastropods Miesea evelinae
Mollusks-Gastropods Myosotella myosotis
Mollusks-Gastropods Physella acuta
Mollusks-Gastropods Placida dendritica
Mollusks-Gastropods Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Mollusks-Gastropods Rapana venosa
Mollusks-Gastropods Stramonita canaliculata
Mollusks-Gastropods Tenellia adspersa
Mollusks-Gastropods Vitrinella floridana
Mollusks-Gastropods Viviparus georgianus