Invasion Description
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Italy/Tyrhennian Sea SERPULOIDEA ANNELIDA POLYCHAETA COLLECTED IN THE BRACKISH LAGOONS OF THE TYRRHENIAN COAST FROM ROME TO NAPLES ITALY AUTHOR, EDITOR, INVENTOR: BIANCHI-C-N [Reprint-author] AUTHOR ADDRESS: IST ANAT COMPARATA DELL'UNIVERSITA GENOVA SOURCE: Annali-del-Museo-Civico-di-Storia-Naturale-"Giacomo-Doria". 1982; 84: 231-244 PUBLICATION YEAR: 1982 DOCUMENT TYPE: Article ISSN (INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER): 0365-4389 LANGUAGE: ITALIAN ABSTRACT: Eight species of Serpuloidea (5 Serpulidae s. sr. and 3 Spirorbidae) were found in the following brackish lagoons along the Tyrrhenian coast (haline classification according to the Venice System in brackets): Fogliano (polyhaline), Monaci (meso-polyhaline), Caprolace (euhaline), Sabaudia (polyhaline), Fondi (oligohaline), Lungo (mesohaline), Patria (oligo-mesohaline), Fusaro (euhaline), Miseno (euhaline) and Lucrino (euhaline). The greatest number of species was found in Sabaudia and Fusaro lakes. Ficopomatus (= Mercierella) enigmaticus (Fauv.) was particularly abundant in oligo- to polyhaline lagoons, where generally it is the only recorded species of Serpuloidea; in euhaline lagoons it is replaced by Hydroides dianthus (Verr.) and H. elegans (Hasw.), sometimes together with Pileolaria pseudomilitaris (Th.-Quiev.), Vermiliopsis striaticeps (Gr.) and Janua pseudocorrugata (Bush.). J. pagenstecheri (Quatr.) and Pomatoceros lamarckii (Quatr.) were found only near the sea mouths. Morphological and taxonomical notes are also given.
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