Invasion Description
1st Record: Lake Oswego/OR/Lake Oswego, adjacent to Willamette River, above Portland (on Oncorhychus tshawytscha, Chinook Salmon (1948, Uzman and Rayner 1958)
Geographic Extent
Lake Oswego/OR/Lake Oswego, adjacent to Willamette River, above Portland (on Oncorhychus tshawytscha, Chinook Salmon (1948, Uzman and Rayner 1958); Nontidal Records: Tigard/OR/small private pond near tidal Willamette River, on Oncorhychus mykiss (Rainbow Trout) (1948, Uzman and Rayner 1958); WA/lower Yakima River (nontidal), on 4 spp. of introduced fishes and 4 spp. of native fishes (1957, Uzman and Rayner 1958)
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