Invasion Description
Geographic Extent
Point Conception, Littoral/CA/Pacific Ocean, USNM 61558, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); Government Point, Santa Barbara/CA/North Pacific Ocean (USNM 182820, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); San Nicolas Island, West Point/CA/Pacific Ocean (USNM 182817, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); Channel Islands, San Miguel Island/CA/Cuyler Harbor (USNM 182816, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); Royal Palms Beach/CA/Pacific Ocean USNM 182824, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); N End Long Beach/CA/Pacific Ocean (USNM 244008, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); Huntington Beach/CA/Pacific Ocean (2004, Geller et al. 2008); ;Corona Del Mar/CA/Pacific Ocean (USNM 182818, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); San Diego/CA/Pacific Ocean (USNM 11151, US National Musuem of Natural History 2008); San Diego, Ocean Beach, At End Of Del Monte Street/CA/Pacific Ocean (USNM 182827, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); On Jetty, San Diego/CA/Pacific Ocean (USNM 48040, US National Museum of Natural History 2008); Baja California/Mexico/San Quintin Bay (Standing 1981); Baja California/Mexico/San Quintin Bay (USNM 87649, US National Museum of Natural History 2008)
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