Invasion Description
1st Record: western side of Babelthaup/Palau/Garumisukan (Akmiokan) River, tidal (1972, McVey 1975); 'The Palauans have a name for this species of shrimp (Omakguis) indicating that it has been present in Palau for some time.' (McVey 1975). This shrimp could be M. wallacei, formerly considered conspecific with M. rosenbergii, and native west to New Guinea and Australia (Wowor and Ng 2007).
Geographic Extent
Western side of Babelthaup/Palau/Garumisukan (Akmiokan) River, tidal (1972, McVey 1975)
Level | Vector |
Alternate | Fisheries Accidental (not Oyster) |
Alternate | Ballast Water |